The Bunt Brings Laughtears

When I was in high school, I memorized a very VERBOSE definition of the “bunt” in baseball. I used to get requests to recite it and it always got good laughs. My good friend Sam Walters especially liked it. A few years back, Dr. Sam and his wife Sue visited us in Marina del Rey… Continue reading The Bunt Brings Laughtears

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Part II Section 12

The Unity of Being Part II Section 12 [220] Section 12   Value Thesis: Value is essentially social, a matter of co-enjoyment, willed and felt as such. Valuation, therefore, is always and in principle objective as well as subjective, — the value enjoyed belongs, as such or as enjoyed value, not simply to any one subject… Continue reading Part II Section 12

Part II Section 13

The Unity of Being Part II Section 13 [259] Section 13   Perfection (The Ontological Argument) This to our minds incomparably brilliant and cogent course of reasoning was initiated as is well known, by Anselm.1  We shall not consider its formulation at his hands, however, but pass at once to the famous criticisms of Kant upon… Continue reading Part II Section 13

Part II Section 14

The Unity of Being Part II Section 14 [286] Section 14   Conclusion The course which has been run was characterized in the Introduction as a progressive examination of ultimate categories of thought, from the abstract or implicit to the more concrete and explicit, with a view to discovering the relation of the initial category of… Continue reading Part II Section 14


The Unity of Being Bibliography The following works and discussions are suggested:  1. General Issue of Monisn versus Pluralism. Aristotelian Society Proceedings, 1919, Supplementary Volume II. (Symposium by Rashdall, Muirhead, Schiller, and D’Arcy. “Can Finite Minds be included in the Mind of God?”). Hoeffding. The Problems of Philosophy. New York,1906. Lewis, C. I. “Facts, Systems,… Continue reading Bibliography

The Still Waters of Morning Silence

During my last term in the three-year course of study and training required to become a licensed Practitioner1, I created a spiritual practice that I call Morning Silence. This practice enables anyone to open an “access channel” that leads down to the still waters of creativity within. It’s very simple to do: When I first… Continue reading The Still Waters of Morning Silence

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A Magical Mysterious Number: 137

Many physicists have been both enchanted and perplexed by the number 137, one of the fundamental constants in physics. Nobel laureate Richard Feynman was no exception, for he once said: “It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man.” So what is this… Continue reading A Magical Mysterious Number: 137

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The Human-Insect Connection

The emphasis that science has placed on our close “family” connection with the higher apes, a connection that becomes apparent when you visit the primate section of any zoo, can obscure the closer connection we have with insects on a developmental level or in terms of the evolution of consciousness. I first became aware of… Continue reading The Human-Insect Connection

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