Table of Contents—Exploring the Profundity of Qigong

Note: This is the extensive Table of Contents to Master Pang Ming’s first book Exploring the Profundity of Qigong (气功探邃).

This Online Presentation is by Hyatt Carter.

Qìgōng Tàn Suì
Exploring the Profundity of Qigong
by Pang Ming
Book Published July 1983

目 录
Table of Contents

序(一) 中华中医学会气功科华研究会科投县肠会
Preface (I) Qigong Research Association of Chinese Medical Association

序(二) 北京气功研究会班率长 徐一级
Preface (II) Class Leader of Beijing Qigong Research Association Xu Yiji

自序 庞明
Author’s Preface Pang Ming

代前言 吕炳走
Foreword Lv Bingzou

第一章 功概要
Chapter 1 Overview of Qigong

 第一节 气功的含义
 Section 1 The meaning of Qigong

 第二节 气功的类别
 Section 2 Categories of Qigong

 第三节 练气功的益处
 Section 3 Benefits of Practicing Qigong

 第四节 练功人的范围与功法的[?]排
 Section 4 Scope of Practitioners and Arrangement of Qigong

 第五节 研究气功的义
 Section 5 The Significance of Studying Qigong

第二章 想流小考
Chapter 2 A Brief Study on the Flow of Thoughts

 第一节 公旅抓
 Section 1 Shi Gonglu

 第二节 气功理论体系的形成 春秋故国时期
 Section 2 The Formation of the Theoretical system of Qigong Spring and Autumn Period

 第三节 气功和宗教的结合 自秦汉至附居
 Section 3 The Combination of Qigong and Religion from Qin and Han Dynasty to Fuzhu

 第四节 气功宗教化 宋至清
 Section 4 The Religiousization of Qigong Song Dynasty to Qing Dynasty

 第五节 医疗气功阶段 本世纪初至本世纪七十年代

 策六节 科学气功阶段 本世纪七十年代以后
 Section 6 Scientific Qigong stage after the 1970s


第三章 运用意识―气功要旨 (一)
Chapter 3: Using Consciousness – Qigong Essentials (I)

 第一节 何谓意识
 Section 1: What is Consciousness

 第二节 如何运用意识
 Section 2: How to Use Consciousness

 Section 3: A Brief Explanation

 第三节 一点说明
 Section 3: A Brief Explanation

第四章 涵养道德―气功要旨 (二)
Chapter 4 Cultivating Morality – The Essence of Qigong (II)

 第一节 道德的含义
 Section 1 The Meaning of Morality

 第二节 涵养道德与运用意识
 Section 2 Cultivating Morality and Using Consciousness

 第三节 如何涵养道德
 Section 3 How to Cultivate Morality

第五章 调息―气功要旨 (三)
Chapter 5 Breathing Regulating – The Essentials of Qigong (III)

 第一节  何谓调息
 Section 1 What is Breathing Regulating

 第二节 呼吸鸽称类
 Section 2 Breathing Classification

 第三节 几种浦息的方法
 Section 3 Several Breathing Methods

 第四节 词息注[?][?][?]
 Section 4 Notes on Breathing[?][?][?]

第六章 引动形体――气功要旨 (四)
Chapter 6  Moving the body – Qigong Essentials (IV)

 第一节 动形体的作用
 Section 1: The role of moving the body

 第二节 松与静
 Section 2: Relaxation and Quiet

 第三节 引动形体的基本要求
 Section 3: Basic requirements for moving the body

第七章 松 练功各部身形要求
Chapter 7  Relaxation. Requirements for various body parts during exercise.

 第一节 对头的要求
 Section 1: Requirements for the head

 第二节 对目的要录
 Section 2: Key points for the eye

 第三节 对舌的要求
 Section 3: Requirements for the tongue

 第四节 对须项的要求
 Section 4: Requirements for the neck

 第五节 对胸背的要求
 Section 5: Requirements for the chest and back

 第六节 对肩的要求
 Section 6: Requirements for the shoulders

 第七节 对肘的要求
 Section 7: Requirements for the elbow


 第八节  对[?][?]指的要
 Section 8 Requirements for [?][?]

 第九节  对[?]的要隶
 Section 9: The importance of pressing

 第十节  对胯的要求
 Section 10 Requirements for the hips

 第十一节 对膜的要求
 Section 11 Requirements for membranes

 第十二节 对尾间的要求
 Section 12 Requirements for the tail

 第十三节 对裆的要
 Section 13 Requirements for crotch

 第十四节 对膝的要求
 Section 14 Requirements for the Knee

 第十五节 对足的要求
 Section 15 Requirements for the feet

第八章 练功琐言
Chapter 8: Miscellaneous Notes on Practicing Qigong

 第一节 法贵梢专
 Section 1: The Law of the Exalted

 第二节 两种练祛
 Section 2 Two Kinds of Exercises

 第三节 三种资粗
 Section 3 Three Types of Capital

 第四节 四个条件
 Section 4 Four Conditions

 第五节 生活四调
 Section 5 Four Tones of Life

 第六节 混元自然
 Section 6: Hunyuan Nature

第九章 气功与中医
Chapter 9 Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine

 第一节 整体生命观,是气功、中医的共同的理论墓础
 Section 1: The holistic view of life is the common theoretical foundation of Qigong and Chinese medicine

 第二节 气与气化是中医理论的精贫
 Section 2 Qi and Qi transformation are the essence of Chinese medicine theory

 第三节 气[?]经络的实在性(科学性)
 Section 3. The Reality (Scientificity) of Qi [?] Meridians

 第四节 气功实践是中医理论的重要源泉
 Section 4 Qigong practice is an important source of TCM theory

 第五节 气功是中医佑床的基础与精华
 Section 5 Qigong is the foundation and essence of TCM

第十章 气功与特异功能
Chapter 10 Qigong and Special Abilities

 第一节 特异功能是人休圈有的功能
 Section 1: Special abilities are abilities that people have in their leisure circle

 第二节 特异功能与气功的关系
 Section 2: The Relationship between Special Abilities and Qigong

 第三节 特异功能的研究必须和中医现代化、气功科举研究相绪舍.
 Section 3: The study of special abilities must be in line with the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and the study of qigong imperial examinations.


Qigong Imperial Examination Research

第十一章 释疑
Chapter 11: Explanation

 第一节 关于“以意领气冲
 Section 1: On “Using Intention to Lead Qi”

 第二节 关于松和静
 Section 2: On relaxation and tranquility

 第三节 关于意守
 Section 3: On Concentration

 第四节 关于周天
 Section 4: About Zhou Tian

 第五节 关于丹和丹田
 Section 5: About Dan and Dantian

 第六节 关于“发气”妙和“透视查病”
 Section 6: On the wonders of “emitting qi” and “diagnosing diseases through perspective”

第十二章 肺清迷信 发展气功科学
Chapter 12: Superstition of Lung Cleansing and Development of Qigong Science

 第一节 旧功法中的某些迷信与科学
 Section 1: Some Superstitions and Science in the Old Qigong Practices

 第二节 练功幻景的迷信与科学
 Section 2: Superstition and Science of Qigong Visions

 第三节 气功古典用语中的某些迷信与科学
 Section 3: Some Superstition and Science in Classical Qigong Terms

第十三章 捧气贯顶法捧气贯顶法
Chapter 13: Lift Qi Up, Pour Qi Down Method

第一节 班备式
Section 1 Class Preparation

第二节 前起侧捧气
Section 2: Front-to-side Qi-holding

第三节 侧起前捧气
Section 3: Sideways and forward holding of the air

第四节 侧曲起捧气
Section 4: Bend sideways and hold the breath

第五节 回气
Section 5: Recovering the Qi

第六节 收式
Section 6 Closing

第十四章 三心并站庄
Chapter 14: Three Centers Merge Together

 第一节 顶备式
 Section 1 Top preparation

 第二节 三心并站庄身形要求
 Section 2: Requirements for the Three Hearts Standing Posture

 第三节 收式
 Section 3 Closing

附 站庄松尾阅四步功
 Attached: Standing Zhuang Songwei Yue Four-step Exercise

第十五章 形神庄
Chapter 15: Body-Mind Style

 第一节 鹤首龙头气冲天
 Section 1: Crane-headed dragon head with overwhelming power

 第二节 寒肩编项通箱肩
 Section 2: Cold Shoulder

 第三节 立掌分指畅经脉
 Section 3: Stand upright and spread your fingers to open up the meridians

 策四节 气意鼓荡臂肋坚
 The four sections of the Qi are vigorous and the arms and ribs are strong

 第五节 俯身拱腰松督脉
 Section 5: Bend over and arch your waist to relax the Du channel

 第六节 转服到胯气归田
 Section 6: Transition to the Return of the Hip Qi

 第七节 平足开胯分前后
 Section 7: Flat feet and open hips, front and back

 第八节 膝跪足面三节连
 Section 8: Kneeling and kneeling on the sole of the foot, three sections in a row

 第九节 弹斑翘足描太极
 Section 9: Danban Tilt Foot Drawing Tai Chi

 第十节 回气归一转混元
 Section 10: Returning Qi to Oneness and Transforming into Hun Yuan

第十六章 易功法
Chapter 16: Yi Gong Fa

 第一节 “抵穴”坐功法
 Section 1: “Acupoint” Sitting Exercise

 第二节 腹卧功
 Section 2: Abdominal Lying Exercise

 第三节 真归元法
 Section 3 True Return to Origin Method

 第四节 经导引法
 Section 4: Jing Daoyin Method

附录一 功溯娜文献摘录
Appendix 1: Excerpts from Gongsuna’s Literature

 一, 黄帝内经素问摘录
 1. Excerpts from Huangdi Neijing Suwen

 二, 黄帝内经灵枢摘录
 2. Excerpts from Huangdi Neijing Lingshu

 三, 管子摘录
 3. Excerpts from the Guanzi

 四, 大学摘录
 4. University Excerpts

 五, 中庸摘录
 5. Excerpts from the Doctrine of the Mean

 六, 论语摘录
6. Excerpts from the Analects


7. Excerpts from Mencius

8. Excerpts from the Book of Resignation

9. Excerpts from Laozi

10. Excerpts from Zhuangzi

11. Excerpts from Lie Zi

12. Excerpts from Gou Zi

13. Excerpts from Han Feizi

14. Zihuazi Excerpt

15. Excerpts from Huainanzi

16. Unearthed Cultural Relics ― Qian Shi, the Inscription on the Jade City of Qi

附录二 经络经穴图
Appendix II: Meridian and Acupoint Maps


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