Aubade (or Morning Song)

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 Aubade 01
(or Morning Song)

There is a light seldom seen,
In morning-time, that is golden green;
It can wisp along the horizon and suffuse
The sky with tints of red and orange hues,
And in the sky overhead a rhapsody of blues,
Colors arising as from an artist’s palette,
Flowing with blue, indigo, and violet.
This was first espied, and gazed upon,
By wily Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von,
In an act of beholding so sagaciously cunning
That even Sir Isaac found it elegant and stunning.

Good morning! and praise be thine,
To rosy dawn and to such sublime
Early morning creations of time,
Causing birds to sing near and far
And the sky to fling one last fading star,
As the sun rejoicing rises to shine
And make of this verse an altar of rhyme.


A poem by HyC

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