
Click on the Play Button below to hear a reading of my poem, “Rainbow: The Darkness and the Light.”

The Darkness and the Light

A rainbow at its root
Is black as soot
Impalpable and mute
As from a lofty butte
Day from darkness softly breaks
With myriad colors iridescent as fruit.

A rainbow’s two vectors end not at the ground
But curve darkly down and underground,
Then up to form a dipolar halo—O! so round.

 and know that O
 est toujours eau
 or H2O

And that water and light yearn to exist
As saturation of colors in twists of mist.

 Colors so mellow:
 Red, orange, yellow,
 Sun splashed and skylit:
 Green, blue, and violet,
 In a soft shimmering band
 Arcing high over the land

Its colors hymning and humming
In unison and orisons of becoming.
A weaving of sunshine and mazuresty,
Asking only that we pause, let it be.

It is withal wondrously wrought
Numinous, nebulous, and naught,
With something sometimes forgot:
That it is never a thing but a thought.

  Another jeu d’esprit
  By yours truly, HyC

“Rainbow” is one of 81 poems that appear in my new book, The Logic of Rhyme, available on Amazon.

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