The Light Luciferous

Click on the Play Button below to hear a reading of my poem:  

The Light Luciferous

There is a light luciferous, we are told,
Devoid of heat, and brutally cold.
It warms not flesh, but chills the bone,
Not gossamer soft, but hard as stone.
It is far from bright, as black as coal,
Its preferred abode the blackest hole.

It has been known from time to time to lurk
In interstices of deepest space and darkest murk,
It can never be known except for one quirk,
No cosmic smile but a de profundis smirk.

Know then the saying, a saying that’s hard:
There is a Joker in nature’s deck of cards.

 — un mauvais quart d’heure
 by yours truly, Hyatt Carteur

“The Light Luciferous” is one of 81 poems in my new book, The Logic of Rhyme, available on Amazon.

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