Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 3

Qìgōng Tàn Suì
Exploring the Profundities of Qigong,
a book by Pang Ming (庞明).

English translation follows Chinese text.

第三章 运用意识气功
Chapter 3  Using Consciousness — Qigong

Summary (1)


Although the specific practice methods of Qigong vary from one school to another, the four main points of using consciousness, cultivating morality, regulating breathing, and moving the body are common. This book intends to start from the understanding of the universe and human life in Chinese classical culture, based on classical Qigong theory, and briefly explain these four common issues in four chapters.


One of the important features that distinguishes humans from animals is consciousness.


Most of human life activities are completed under the guidance and command of consciousness.


As mentioned earlier, practicing Qigong is to train one’s spirit to control the body. This process is mainly achieved through the command of Qi by consciousness.


Therefore, using consciousness becomes the first principle of Qigong.


The first step in practicing qigong by the ancients was called “practicing oneself to lay the foundation.” “Self” refers to the “true soil in the mind,” that is, the true intention. That is to say, the first step in practicing qigong is to practice the true intention. From this we can see that the consciousness used in practicing qigong is not exactly the same as the consciousness mentioned in daily life.


Therefore, practitioners must have some understanding of what consciousness is (including true meaning) and how to use consciousness.

第一节 何谓意识
Section 1 What is consciousness?

1. What is consciousness?

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Consciousness is also called thinking.


In ancient my country, it was called spiritual activity.


Consciousness is a special function of the human brain and is the internal movement state of the brain with a special structure.


Regarding the activities of consciousness, the “Lingshu: Benshen Pian” says:


“So, the mind is at peace with things. What the mind remembers is called intention. What the mind has in mind is called will. The change due to will is called thinking. The longing due to thinking is called consideration. The handling of things due to consideration is called wisdom.”


From this we can see that people’s thinking activities are a mental process from simple to complex.


It includes intention, will, thought, consideration, and wisdom (note: the “intention” here is not completely the same as consciousness).


In modern terms, conscious activities include not only the sensory perception obtained through the eyes, ears, tongue and body, but also the formation of concepts, as well as analysis, synthesis, reasoning, judgment, memory, association and even invention and creation.


Consciousness is acquired later in life because people do not have these conscious activities when they are born.


In the process of establishing and applying the second signal system, and in the process of storing large amounts of information, people connect temporary connections between points in the cerebral cortex, thereby forming concepts and linking them with vocabulary.


People’s thinking activities are carried out with the help of words and concepts, and language is a tool for expressing conscious activities.

2. Levels of Consciousness


As mentioned above, consciousness includes a series of mental activities, or in other words, human consciousness activities take place at different levels of depth.

This fact often occurs in daily life: when you are thinking about a certain problem, you can also have other thinking activities and at the same time have the idea of ​​stopping distracting thoughts.

This is what the Guanzi says:

“The heart contains the heart, and there is another heart within the heart.”


In order to clarify the levels of consciousness, let us give a schematic explanation from the perspective of modern neurophysiology.

All the neural activities of the human body can be divided into four layers, as shown in Figure 1.

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Physiological reflex layer
Perception layer
Self-awareness layer
Consciousness layer
Figure 1

Figure 1


(1) Physiological reflex layer: including the habitual neural movement of unconditioned reflex and conditioned reflex.


Complete simple neural reflex arc exercises.


(2) Perception layer: governs the perception of things inside and outside the body, including some analyzers of the central nervous system.


Complete analysis of various sensations.


The neural activities in the above two layers rely on neural pathways (i.e. nerve fibers) to complete the transmission and analysis of information.


(3) Consciousness layer: This layer is built on the basis of the above two layers, and analyzes, synthesizes and abstracts various incoming information into concepts.


Therefore, the functions of this layer include the activities of forming concepts and applying concepts and vocabulary.


[?] Association, recollection, analysis, synthesis, memory, reasoning… This layer is closely related to the first two layers and [?] affects the functions of these two layers.



(4) Self-consciousness layer (also called proprioceptive consciousness or free consciousness): It is at the “deepest” level of the entire nervous activity.


Generally speaking, the mind is covered by the conscious layer and submerged by the activities of the masses. It can only appear when the conscious activities stop.


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What Einstein meant when he said that conscious activities can be carried out without the aid of concepts is probably what he meant by this.


When practicing Qigong, we use consciousness, mainly this part of consciousness.

3. The Relationship between Shen, Yi and Qi


When discussing qigong practice, qigong books often mention shen, yi, and qi. How should we understand this?


What is the relationship between the three?


The ancients believed that human life is the unity of form, qi and spirit.


“Shape refers not only to the skin, flesh, bones, and internal organs, but also to the essence.”


What fortune tellers call essence is the foundation of human life.


The reason why the physical body has life is because of the dominance of “Shen”, and the control of Shen over the physical body must be achieved through breath.


This trinity of holistic views on life is the theoretical basis of Qigong.


As for spirit, intention and qi, Qigong further develops and applies this theory.


The word “Shen” here has nothing to do with nonsense such as gods, ghosts, etc.


The face is the master of all human functions and is innate.

face ??


In the “Lingshu Benshen Box” it is said: “The essence of life, the collision of two essences is called spirit”.


That is to say, the spirit is formed in the process of the combination of the two essences of Yin and Zan.

另外,古人认为这个神与心是统 一的。

In addition, the ancients believed that the spirit and the heart were unified.

《素问・灵兰秘典论》说: “心者,君主之官,神明出焉”。

“Suwen Linglan Secret Classic” says: “The heart is the organ of the monarch, from which the spirit emerges.”

神藏之于心,散于身体各部,主宰昔人体各个层次上的生命运功心的主宰作烬是通过神来实现的,神有察知、反映事物的能力,有如明镜当台,物来则现,来者不拒, 去者不留,[?]儿初生时的神经反映状态可能就是这个样子。

The spirit is hidden in the heart and dispersed throughout the body, dominating the life activities at all levels of the human body. The domination of the heart is realized through the spirit. The spirit has the ability to perceive and reflect things, like a bright mirror acting as a stand. When things come, they appear. Those who come are not rejected, and those who leave are not kept. [?] The neural reflex state of a newborn baby may be like this.


That is to say, consciousness is acquired after birth. It is a temporary connection of memory established by the mind in the process of reflecting various things after birth.


[?]With the accumulation of life experience and the inculcation of adult language, in the process of the gradual formation of the second signal system, the brain gradually forms conceptual operations, which is conscious activity.


Once the activity of consciousness is established, when people understand things in the objective world, they no longer have to experience them one by one, but can use concepts to understand objective things.

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在气功学里,把与生俱来的“神” 的功能,称之为“元神”。

In Qigong, the innate function of “spirit” is called “primordial spirit”.

把后天获得的意识活动称之为 “识神”。

The conscious activities acquired after birth are called “consciousness”.


The relationship between the two is that the conscious mind borrows the spiritual knowledge of the primordial spirit (the mind relies on the spirit to move), and the primordial spirit is submerged in the conscious mind.


In a certain sense, the conscious mind is the concrete manifestation of the primordial spirit, and the primordial spirit is contained in the conscious mind.


When the conscious mind is tranquil, the nature of the primordial spirit will be revealed.


The conscious activities that can perceive the “nature of the primordial spirit” are different from ordinary conscious activities and are called “true meaning.”


This is what is now called “ontological consciousness”.

练气功所称的“炼己筑基(命功之‘炼己筑基’还有 ‘固精’等内容)”中的意识即此。

This is the consciousness involved in the Qigong practice of “refining oneself and building a foundation” (the ‘refining oneself and building a foundation’ of life skills also includes ‘reinforcing essence’ and other contents)


Qi fills the whole body, maintaining the human body’s vital activities.


The completion of the activities of the mind requires the nourishment of Qi, as stated in Su Wen:


“The blood and Qi are the gods of men.”


At the same time, the movement and concentration of Qi require the guidance of the divine will. Conversely, the movement of Qi can also affect the functional state of the divine will.


Mencius said:


“The will is the leader of the Qi, and the Qi is the filling of the body”, and it is also said that “when the will is unified it moves the Qi, and when the Qi is unified it moves the will”.

在《素问》中也还明确指出气与情志的关系,如“怒则气上”、 “喜则气缓”、 “悲则气消”、 “思则气结”、 “惊则气乱”、 “恐则气怯”。

The relationship between Qi and emotions is also clearly pointed out in “Su Wen”, such as “anger causes Qi to rise”, “joy causes Qi to slow down”, “sadness causes Qi to disappear”, “thinking causes Qi to stagnate”, “shock causes Qi to become chaotic”, and “fear causes Qi to become timid”.


In Qigong, special emphasis is placed on the relationship between intention and Qi.


It is believed that the mind can lead the qi, and that the qi will follow where the mind goes, and that the qi will follow where the mind moves.


Some Qigong schools, or certain stages of Qigong practice, advocate “leading Qi with the mind”.


“Leading Qi with Mind” must be performed under the strict guidance of a Qigong master.

第二节 如何运用意识
Section 2 How to Use Consciousness


Since spirit plays a dominant role in human life activities, the most important thing in keeping healthy and fit is to “nourish the spirit”.

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在于“心静”、 “心定” 、 “心明”。

It lies in “calm mind”, “steady mind” and “clear mind”.


The Suwen Linglan Secret Classic says:


“So if the master (referring to the heart) is clear, the lower organs will be important. If you keep your health in this way, you will live a long life. If the master is not clear, the twelve organs will be in danger, the channels will be blocked and blocked, and the body will be greatly injured. If you keep your health in this way, you will suffer disaster.”


To achieve a clear mind, one must learn to use consciousness.


In the several key steps of Qigong practice, such as focusing the mind, regulating the breathing, and inducing the movement of the body, there is the issue of using consciousness.


The latter two will be introduced in Chapters 5 and 6. As for the gathering and dispersion of internal energy, the dispersion and concentration of consciousness, and the change of consciousness, these are the application of consciousness at a high level of practice.


Here we only introduce the awareness of using mind concentration.

1. Find the truth


The consciousness used in practicing Qigong is not exactly the same as the consciousness used in daily life.


The part used in practicing Qigong is the “true meaning”, which is especially important during the circulation of the meridians stage.


Therefore, when practicing Qigong, one must first find the true meaning, make it control the entire consciousness, and then apply it.


How to find the true meaning? There are two ways:


1. The direct method: This is the method of seeking the true meaning directly in consciousness.


How to find it? The Tao Te Ching says:


“If you want to strengthen it, you must first stretch it; if you want to weaken it, you must first strengthen it; if you want to abandon it, you must first promote it; if you want to take it away, you must first give it. This is called subtle and bright.”


True meaning is the conscious state when consciousness is quiet.


This state is hard to find.


To this end, you may first have a lot of distracting thoughts, as things will eventually turn into the opposite when they reach the extreme.


Behind the chaotic conscious activities, a thought to stop distracting thoughts will suddenly appear. This sudden awareness is the true meaning.


As soon as this state appears, immediately focus your mind and keep it in check. This energy is weak and can be easily overwhelmed by the movements of your consciousness.

这“忽” 的一觉,是真意的幼芽,若能当面抓着,养之育之, 则成功在即。

This sudden realization is the bud of truth. If you can catch it and nurture it, success will be imminent.


However, its energy is so weak that if the chaotic conscious activities are compared to a dark mass, then this “sudden” sleep is like the full moon on the third day of the lunar month, with only the energy of a dead month.

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Lao Tzu called this the faint light “faint brightness”.


This scene is the “live midnight” of practicing sexual exercises. The so-called midnight practice does not only refer to the midnight, but more importantly, it refers to this live midnight.


Because at this time you are practicing the true meaning, you can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

活子时经常出现,只洲竺力识微弱,1 r.It4息即逝,不易提着。

The active hour often appears, but the power is weak and disappears in a moment, so it is not easy to catch.

《管子・内;j>)补说献::矛:“灵‘心王心,一长一旅,一1如元内,其大无外, ji_以失之省,以踢公拜。

“Guan Zi Nei” supplemented the saying: “The spirit’s heart is the king of the heart, one is long and one is a brigade, one is like the inner part of the Yuan, it is so big that there is no outside, ji_to lose it and to bow to the public.


If the mind can be calm, the Way will come naturally…”

这段it i寸差功灼法理.做「’全盆猫述。

This section is about the principle of the difference between the two.

宜麦寻求真意法r从性 ‘4练叻(谁功)的根本方法。

Yi Mai seeks the true meaning of Dharma from nature and practices the fundamental method of Kung Fu.


To one: “To practice while practicing is to understand the true meaning of nothing.”


(2) Indirect: This is a method of gradually realizing the direct intention through the concentration of thought activities. Generally, people who practice qigong from the life palace often use this method to find the method of falling intention. Xuanli only introduces the method of focusing the mind.

音念守于 处,旋浮游的、宋乱的愈念活动单一化。

The sound and thought are kept in one place, and the swirling, floating, and chaotic thoughts become more and more unified.

当概念连的怠识活动停止倪玲峭户砚除J’‘斤守之处(或物)的意识外,其他意识3-, 动均沉伏讨,真意也就显现出未。

When the conscious activities of the concept connection stop, except for the consciousness of the place (or object) being guarded, other conscious activities are dormant, and the true meaning will appear.


The key to this method is to keep one thing in mind: keep one thought and one position, and don’t keep one thing here and another.

对于守一古人非常A:视:《太平经》中说:“失一者,乃道之根,气之-t.- I乙 命之所系属,众心之主也”。

The ancients attached great importance to keeping to oneness: It was said in the Taiping Jing: “He who loses oneness is the root of Tao, the source of Qi and destiny, and the master of all hearts.”

A于守一之位IL, 该书,补说:,头之一’r, 14t Li’也。

A in the position of keeping oneness IL, the book adds:, the first one’r, 14t Li’.


The seven positives, one or two, are the eyes. The face ones are the navel.


One of the pulses is qi, and one of the five internal organs is the heart.

四肢之一者,手足心也。骨之一者,青C.,L’; 0肉之一者,肠口ik 7fl。

One of the four limbs is the palm of the hand and the sole of the foot. One of the bones is the chin; One of the flesh is the intestine.

《袍朴子》;扮只应孺指出: “三丹田,-,是练命功的应守之处。

In Pao Pu Zi, Ying Ru pointed out: “The three Dantians are the places to be guarded when practicing vital energy.


The lower Dantian is two inches and four fen below the skin, the Jiadantian is one inch and two fen above the navel (Jinshunjiang Palace 1F), and the Bidanli is in the key position [one inch inside is Mingdingjue, two inches inside is rlri, and three inches inside is Shangdanzhou. All three can be called the upper Dantian.

Note: many of the characters on this page (page 46)  are light and indistinct.

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People who start practicing martial arts from life skills have different schools and guard different positions, but most of them choose to guard this blocking point[?].


The most common practices are to guard the upper dantian first, while others are to guard the lower dantian first.


Song believes that those who do mental work should first guard the upper dantian, while those who do physical work should first guard the lower dantian.


This is based on the place where Qi and blood usually gather, and it takes advantage of the situation, so the effect is faster.


If you start from the perspective of “practicing Zhoutian”, it is better to guard the lower Zhoutian or navel first.


Because the lower Dantian is the place where the primordial energy is generated. The navel is the root of life and the place where the innate energy enters and exits.


It is better to keep it in mind and the effect of “empty mind and full stomach” is particularly great.


When the mind is focused to a certain degree, and the “true intention” appears and combines with the true qi, the true qi will be able to gather and produce a certain reaction. This is the “active hour” of the life exercise.

各门派功法不同,产生“活子时”的妙应也不同;练淞元气者以自发功出现(也叫“灵气”)为“活子时”;练经脉周天者以丹田发热(也叫“起火”)为“活子时”;练丹道周天者以外阴冲动、抽动、阴茎勃起等(也叫“药苗”)为“活子时”・…当活子时出现后,就属于另一阶段(如运转周天阶段)的运用意识了(运转周天各家亦不相同,如丹道周天有“采、封、运、沐浴……之口诀多经脉周天则有“舍气从脉”、“亦步亦趋”、 “彼是主来我是宾”・一之口诀。

Different schools have different exercises, and the wonderful responses of “Live Child Hour” are also different. Those who practice Song Yuan Qi consider the spontaneous emergence of Qi (also called “spiritual energy”) as the “Live Child Hour”; those who practice the meridian circulation consider the heat of Dantian (also called “ignition”) as the “Live Child Hour”; those who practice Dan Dao circulation consider the impulse, twitching of the vulva, erection of the penis, etc. (also called “medicine seedlings”) as the “Live Child Hour”… When the Live Child Hour appears, it belongs to another stage (such as the circulation stage) of application consciousness (the circulation of the …


As for Hunyuan Gong, it is even more complicated.


Even if they practice the same Zhoutian, the specific practice is different due to the differences between sects, and the mysteries involved cannot be explained in a few words.


In this regard, people who have just started practicing Qigong do not need to understand it more, because when you think about these contents, you are already using concepts, that is, you have entered into a chaotic conscious activity J’.


Therefore, beginners should just focus on concentrating their minds.

2. How to practice mind-concentration


It is necessary to achieve the effect of concentration (tranquility) quickly without deviating.


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Appropriate content to focus on.


1. Methods of mind-concentration: The specific methods of mind-concentration vary from one school to another, and can be roughly divided into three categories, namely, “mind-concentration of inner vision of the sword, mind-concentration of pure thoughts, and mind-concentration of divine light.”


“Inner vision” means to focus your mind (belongs to the category of physical movement), close your eyes and draw your curtains, and use your eyesight to look inward at the place you are focusing on.


When guarding the upper dantian, the eyeballs should be turned upwards to look inward at the top of the head. When guarding the lower dantian, the eyeballs should be turned downwards to look below the navel.


The mind moves with the “gaze”, and the qi also moves up and down accordingly.


However, the operating mechanism here lies in the movement of the sub-eye bead (shape), that is, the intention is restricted by the shape.


Therefore, there is a possibility that the qi will rise and fall with it.


Therefore, this method requires the mastery of both the building and dismantling of bridges, and other skills.


Therefore, those who are receiving the medicine must choose the right medicine for their condition (the effect of administering the medicine according to the method will be great).


Pure concentration of mind, just use your mind to focus on one place.


This method is not easy for beginners to master, but it has no disadvantages.


It just takes a longer time to inspire true Qi.

若能用之得当,又可 “扶摇”直上。

If used properly, it can also “soar” to the top.


The Shen Guang Yi Shou Fa combines the strengths of both and discards their weaknesses.


The method is to first retract the “divine light”, look straight ahead, and close the eyelids slowly and evenly.


When the gaze is withdrawn, the mind also retracts inward, and the mind and gaze become one. This is called the divine light.


Those who guard the upper dantian will send the divine light upwards, and those who guard the lower dantian will send the divine light downwards.


In this kind of concentration, there is no need to distinguish the routes of thoughts.


Because the activities of thought do not have a clear route.


When you think of an object, even if it is far away, your thought immediately merges with the object, but you cannot tell by what route the thought takes to reach the desired balance.


Although there is also “eye” light in this movement, this light moves with the mind, and the energy that moves is the primordial energy. This energy gathers and disperses like water, which is beneficial to people and has no harm.


Therefore, this method of guarding the upper and lower parts is absolutely unbiased, and will not cause problems such as the upward and downward movement of Qi as generally known by people.


Different methods have different effects.


There is an old saying that “a slight error can lead to a great mistake”, which is indeed a thought-provoking lesson.


This also reminds practitioners not to have sectarian views and to insist on one thing and criticize another.

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Because “every path has a door, and every door has a path”.

Because “every path has its door, and every door has its path.”


As for the practice of spiritual cultivation, subduing the consciousness and harmonizing the “temperament” are purely efforts in the realm of consciousness.


The ancients believed that those who practiced this technique were difficult to explain in words, and although they used the clever metaphor of “pointing directly to see the moon”, it was still difficult for learners to grasp its purpose.


It is actually the reflection of consciousness, that is, consciousness seeks consciousness “itself”.


Since consciousness itself is invisible and is the “internal movement state” of the brain, when one uses consciousness to search for one’s own form, one will enter a state of emptiness and tranquility.


This is quite difficult to understand. Zhuangzi provides a convenient way for beginners: “Use your eyes to see your eyes, use your ears to hear your ears, and use your heart to return to your heart.” Zhuangzi Xu Wugui means that you should use your eyes to see what your eyes look like (use your consciousness to see), and use your ears to hear what sounds your ears make (use your consciousness to listen). This is the key to receiving and listening.


After you have some understanding of this, use your consciousness to observe your own conscious activities.


When the mind realizes that consciousness is essentially invisible, the mental activity stops and the conscious mind begins to return to the original spirit and enter a highly tranquil state.


As for those who practice “Dual Cultivation of Nature and Life”, they need to open the Tianmen acupoint (there are many schools that practice both nature and life, and this method is just one of them), guard the Tianmen acupoint to cultivate nature (there are those who guard “one acupoint”, “three acupoints”, “five acupoints”, “seven acupoints” and “nine acupoints”), and “shine the divine light down” to cultivate life. This practice not only needs to be passed on orally, but the first condition is that the qigong master “lights the Tianmen acupoint”. This cannot be solved by a few words.


However, in order to explore the depths of Qigong, I can only give a brief disclosure.


2) The principle of mind-concentration: Although the methods of mind-concentration vary greatly, the principle of mind-concentration is the same, that is, it seems to be concentrating but not concentrating (it seems to exist and not exist, it gathers and disperses, and the mind is concentrating as one.


How to explain it?


There are two meanings of seeming to guard but not really guarding; first, guarding a certain thing does not mean holding on to it tightly, but being free and at ease as long as there is a thought of “guarding” in the consciousness.


This refers to beginners.

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In addition, concentration of mind is the true thought driving the distracting thoughts to stay at a certain place. When the wandering thoughts stay at a certain place and become motionless, they become one with the true thought. At this time, the driving function of the true thought to issue orders will lose its effect.


In other words, the thought of focusing the mind disappears, and instead the mind appears to be focusing but not focusing.

其次,所守之物虽然是实物,但练功意守时,不是用感觉器官感知该实物,而是以意识感知并意守之,故此守之物不能太具体、太实在,故称 “若有”。

Secondly, although the object being guarded is a real object, when practicing concentration, one does not use the sensory organs to perceive the object, but rather uses consciousness to perceive and concentrate the mind. Therefore, the object being guarded cannot be too specific or too real, so it is called “if there is”.


However, although the object of concentration is general and abstract, it is after all a symbol of a real object, not nothingness, so it is called “as if nothing”.


The two principles of benevolence and justice seem simple, but they are actually not easy to do.


To meet the above requirements and clarify the meaning of “seemingly guarding but not guarding” and “as if there is and as if there is not”, some people can cope with it with ease.


But for most people, it is not easy to solve the problem because there is also the issue of practice method involved.


The concentration method that meets the requirements of this article is the old method of “Three Yuans Returning to One”.


That is, think about the place where you focus your mind, and listen to the place where you focus your mind. The three will return to the place where you focus your mind.


Focus on “listening” rather than looking inward.


Because the ear reacts to sounds and does not focus on physical objects, one should listen attentively and focus one’s hearing and thoughts on the place where one is focused. Even if one can see physical objects, due to the characteristics of hearing – an old saying goes “imprinting emptiness with emptiness” – the place where one is focused will not focus on “reality.”

同时, “内视”受到“内听”的制约,故意守之处呈虑灵状态。

At the same time, “inner vision” is restricted by “inner hearing”, and the place that is intentionally guarded is in a state of spiritual concern.

这样自然会符合“似守非守”、 “若有若无,的要求。

This will naturally meet the requirements of “seemingly guarding but not guarding” and “seemingly existing and not existing”.


As for the gathering and dispersing, it refers to the method of focusing the mind in the initial stage.


When you discover distracting thoughts, use your true thoughts to invigorate your spirit and direct your thoughts to where you want them to be. This is called “gathering and dividing.” Whether you can “gather” them depends on whether your true thoughts can be invigorated.

亦即古人所说: “主人公惺惺否”。

That is what the ancients said: “Is the protagonist awake?”


When the mind is focused on the desired point, the intention can be relaxed, which is called “dispersion”.


“The spirit guarding oneness is like a knife pointing to the advanced stage of training.


After the true thought has taken control of the distracting thoughts, you can then inject the true thought into the thing you are guarding. The thought that you can guard and the thing you are guarding will blend into one, without any distinction. Your consciousness will reach a high level of concentration, and it will not be difficult to enter the quiet and empty state of “forgetting both the self and the world”.

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(3) Correctly select the content of concentration: The content of concentration varies according to the type of exercise.


For those who practice qigong under the guidance of a qigong master, the master will help them decide what to focus on.


Those who practice qigong on their own without the guidance of a qigong master need to make their own choices based on their own practice needs.


The content of mind-concentration and the method of mind-concentration are closely related. The two complement each other and the results are quick.


Therefore, one should have some understanding of the content of mind concentration.


There are many contents of mind-guarding, which can be summarized into two categories:


1. Content outside the human body: Choose things, objects, etc. other than the human subject as the object of concentration


Including real objects: such as mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, flowers, trees, and even buildings, utensils, toys, words, pictures, people…, non-real objects: such as language, concepts, and emptiness.


This type of concentration content is suitable for concentration of thoughts.


In some cases, it is also applicable to the concentration of Shen Guang.


It cannot be used for “inner vision” concentration.


If you are not rich, there will be deviations such as dizziness, headache, nausea, etc.


The principle of selection is: the content should be simple, familiar to oneself, attractive to oneself, and able to make oneself happy, but not cause high excitement.


Things that are highly stimulating or disturbing should not be the objects of your concentration.


If you choose to focus on the appearance or voice of a qigong master whom you respect and adore, it will have special effects.


Choosing an object to focus your mind on outside the body will reduce the risk of adverse effects.


It is suitable for beginners and those who practice relaxation and tranquility.


The key to mastering this kind of mind-guarding is “seemingly guarding but not really guarding”.


2. Contents of the human body: Ancient practitioners of qigong focused on focusing their minds on the human body.


Some people guard a certain part of the body (guarding the acupoints), some guard the routes of the qi and meridians (guarding the pulse); some guard the breathing, and some guard the entire body.

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Generally speaking, guarding the pulse is a continuation of guarding the acupoints.


Most people who practice Qigong start by guarding the acupoints.


There are many acupoints in the human body that can be guarded. They are in the Ren and Zai meridians, such as Shenxi (navel), Qihai (1.5 inches below the navel), Guanyuan (3 inches below the Fang), Huiyin (between the front and back anus, Weichuan (tip of the coccyx), Mingmen (opposite the navel), Dazhui (under the high bone at the back of the neck, equivalent to under the seventh vertebra), Baihui (slightly in front of the hair whorl), Zimen (also called Tianmen, at the front top of the head), Yintang (between the two stomachs), Shan’ao (a point four inches above the root of the nose, the ancestor of all acupoints), nose tip, Naozhong (the center of the line connecting the two nipples), Zhongyuan (4 inches above the navel).


Guarding the acupoints is suitable for guarding the mind, guarding the divine light, and guarding the inner vision.


Generally, those who start with gathering body fluid to produce essence and transforming essence into Qi should focus more on guarding the lower orifices.


Such as perineum, Guanyuan, Qihai, Mingmen… .


Those who practice both innate and acquired methods should start by focusing more on the upper acupoints, such as Baihui, Yinmen, Yintang, and the tip of the nose.


Keeping the acupoints in mind can produce essence and strengthen your body, which will have obvious effects.


Keeping the upper orifices has a significant effect on increasing brain power.


The above is for beginners.


If one practices to the point where the true Qi is abundant and the Qi meridians are open, these acupoints will be in circulation and the acupoints guarded in different stages of practice will also change accordingly. Those who practice to treat illnesses often choose the Zhongyuan, Shenhe, Guanyuan, and Lianzhong acupoints.


You can also focus your mind on the diseased area or the corresponding meridian.


It should be noted that the so-called key point is not a point or a surface, but a circular body.


Therefore, when guarding the acupoints, the mind cannot be focused on the skin, but must rest inside the cavity.


The key to mastering this kind of mind-concentration is to be “as if there is and as if there is not”.


There is also another method called “silent recitation“, which is between internal and external objects.


The method is to listen to certain words and sentences that you recite quietly. In fact, it is to focus on the words that you recite silently.


This method is simple and easy to implement, without any drawbacks.


It is very suitable for those who have difficulty entering a state of tranquility when practicing qigong for the first time.


The function of silent recitation is not only to concentrate the mind, but also has the following advantages: first, it uses the vibration of sound symbols, and second, it uses the suggestive effect of silent recitation of words and sentences, thereby achieving the effect of calming the mind and regulating qi and blood.

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The principle of soft recitation is to make the pronunciation soft, the words and sentences simple, and the sound can only be heard by oneself but not pronounced. The sound should be made in the day, heard by the ears, and perceived by the heart.


You must read carefully and pronounce each word clearly. You cannot just blurt it out or just pass it by.


At first, one listens without thinking, then one enters the state of just listening without reciting, as if one is “listening within, to the sound of others reciting”. This is what is called “Guanyin’s freedom”. If one can reach the level of “reciting without reciting, and reciting without reciting”, one will enter a high-level state of tranquility.


I recommend everyone to chant “tranquility and emptiness” or “lively and indifferent”.
I recommend everyone to chant “Tranquil, Empty” or “Lively”.

恬惔虚无 . . . . . .  活澹
tián yǎn xū wú . . . huó dàn


The word means lively, quiet and comfortable, with the meaning of having nothing, which can imply entering a state of tranquility.


What is more important is that when pronouncing the two words “Tian Yu”, the tongue should be pressed against the upper cheek, thus connecting the Ren and Du meridians. This is much better for beginners of Qigong than pressing the tongue against the upper cheek all the time.


What’s more important is that when pronouncing the two words “恬悦 (tián yuè)”, the tongue should be placed against the upper cheek, thus connecting the Ren and Du meridians.


This is much more effective for beginners of qigong than keeping the head held high.

因为一触一放、一通」断,起到信息作用, 能加强刺激。

Because the touch and release, connection and disconnection play an information role and can enhance stimulation.


How to read: First inhale naturally, with the tongue raised, then slowly read the word after inhaling, and then slowly exhale the remaining air after finishing reading. Repeat this process over and over again.


There are other wonderful uses to reciting the four words “tranquility, tranquility and nothingness”, which only those who practice respectfully can appreciate.

第三节 一点说明
Section 3: A few words of explanation


The above discussion is about the use of consciousness and its important role in practicing qigong. Does this fall into the quagmire of idealism? No.


Because consciousness itself is a form of material movement. Engels said: “Material movement is not only crude mechanical movement, simple displacement change, but also light, electricity and magnetic stress, chemical combination and decomposition, life, and finally consciousness (Dialectics of Nature).”


It is clearly pointed out here that consciousness is a kind of material movement.


The masters of dialectical materialism have all talked about the materiality of consciousness.


Lenin believed that consciousness is the internal state of movement of a special kind of matter called the cerebral cortex (Materialism and Empirio-Criticism).

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Chairman Mao Zedong also said:


“If we look at consciousness from the perspective of thorough materialism, then consciousness is nothing but a form of material movement (Outlines of Dialectical Materialism).”


Regarding the opposition between consciousness and matter, both Lenin and Chairman Mao Zedong have emphasized that the opposition between the two is meaningful only in the field of epistemology.


In recent years, experiments on the external energy effects of qigong and children’s special abilities have provided preliminary and empirical evidence for the scientific predictions of the masters of dialectical materialism.

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End of Chapter

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