Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 5

Qìgōng Tàn Suì
Exploring the Profundities of Qigong,
a book by Pang Ming (庞明).

English translation follows Chinese text.

第五章 调息——气功要旨 ()
Chapter 5 Breathing Regulating Qigong (III)


In Qigong theory, essence, qi and spirit can be divided into innate and acquired.


The spirit that dies before death is called the primordial spirit, which is the basis of all spiritual activities and the mechanism of the changes of essence and qi.


The acquired spirit is the conscious spirit – consciousness.


The innate qi is called primordial qi, which is the fundamental driving force of the qi and qi transformation of the human body. It communicates with the primordial qi of all things in the universe through the primordial spirit.


The air from breathing, food and water, etc. are acquired qi.


The innate genetic material is called Yuan Jing, which is the basis for the production of all life substances in the human body.


The original essence and original qi combine with the essence of water and grain (i.e. nourishment) to become the acquired essence – the reproductive essence, which is stored in the kidneys.


The primordial spirit, primordial essence and primordial qi nourish and transform each other, are integrated into one, and cannot be separated for a moment.


The conscious mind borrows the spiritual knowledge of the primordial spirit for its use. If the conscious mind moves, it disturbs the primordial spirit and dissipates its vital energy.


The movement of acquired essence will consume the primordial essence and damage the primordial energy.


Only if the acquired Qi can be used properly, it can be combined with the innate Qi, and the acquired Qi can be used to supplement the innate Qi.


Therefore, when practicing Qigong, people generally do not use acquired essence and spirit, but attach great importance to the use of acquired Qi.


Breathing regulation is a method of using acquired energy to activate and nourish innate vital energy.

第一节 何谓调息
Section 1: What is Breathing?

一般人认为调息就是把呼吸调整得深长匀细、也有人认为是把自然呼吸改为胶式呼吸 (逆呼吸)或某种特定的呼吸方式。

Most people think that regulating breathing means adjusting the breathing to be deep, long, even and smooth, while others think that it means changing natural breathing to gel breathing (reverse breathing) or a certain specific breathing method.

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These views are correct, but not comprehensive enough. How should they be understood?


Tiao means adjustment. The word “xi” has two meanings: one refers to breath, and one refers to breath.


In this sense, adjusting breathing is an indispensable part of pranayama.


Secondly, the word “rest” is composed of the two words “self” and “heart”. “Self” and “heart” refer to the state of mind when it is not reflecting external objects. This is a state of stability and tranquility.


Therefore, regulating breathing can also be interpreted as regulating the mind, that is, entering into a state of tranquility.


Therefore, the whole connotation of breathing regulation is: use consciousness, adjust breathing to make the mind and qi be in harmony, and exchange the acquired qi for the innate qi.


Specifically, the role of breathing is to:


(1) Focus your mind on the breathing movement, seek the true meaning, and then enter a state of tranquility. This is also a way to regulate your mind.


Since breathing is a basic life movement that people are born with, focusing the mind on breathing can easily induce tranquility and make it easier to harmonize the mind and qi.


Those who practice the meridian circulation and the Taoist circulation pay special attention to it.


(2) Cell metabolism is the basis of human life movement. It needs to continuously obtain oxygen and continuously discharge carbon dioxide.


This gas exchange process takes place at two levels: one is through the respiratory movement of the lungs, expelling the old and taking in the new; the other is at the cellular level, exchanging through the cell membrane.


Qigong’s breathing exercises can first improve the efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs.


As you become more proficient in Kung Fu, you can also use your “spirit” and “intention” to promote gas exchange across the cell membrane, thereby greatly improving the efficiency of metabolic movements that are the basis of life activities.


(3) The middle level theory holds that part of the micro-qi from food enters the foot cavity and combines with the qi from the sky obtained through breathing to form the Zong Qi.


The chest is where the Zong Qi accumulates, and the Zong Qi has the function of “penetrating the heart and circulating the blood.”


By regulating breathing and nourishing the vital energy, the qi and blood in the whole body can flow smoothly.

(4) It helps to activate the true Qi.


For those who do not practice Qigong, their Qi is dispersed and circulated through the stirring of the dynamic Qi between the kidneys, and their strength is often weak.

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Through breathing regulation, you can, on the basis of the original state, use the enhanced rise and fall of the Zong Qi to promote the opening and closing of the Dantian, thereby activating the true Qi, strengthening the circulation of the true Qi, and allowing the innate Qi to be nourished and enriched through the acquired Qi.


From this we can see that breathing regulation is an important part of Qigong exercise.


In ancient Qigong books, wind, fire, and medicine are often mentioned.


Wind is the breath.


Fire is the feeling of heat generated by the combination of intention and true qi, and its related reactions.


If the mind is tightly focused (combined with breathing), it is called strong fire, and if the mind is loosely focused (like focusing but not focusing, or the power of quiet meditation), it is called gentle fire. The medicine is the primordial essence, which can transform into true yang.

一阳发动之时,将元精收回,称为采药,古人云: “精是续命芝。”

When the first yang is activated, the essence is taken back, which is called collecting medicine. The ancients said: “Essence is the herb that prolongs life.”


That’s exactly what I mean.


The medicine is collected into Dantian, and then the wind and fire are used to fan it, and the essence is transformed into vital energy.


This process is called refining the tips and transforming them into qi in ancient qigong theory.


In this process, breathing control is crucial.


It is related to the success or failure of your kung fu.


Therefore, qigong practitioners of all generations, regardless of their school, have attached great importance to this.

第二节 呼吸的种类
Section 2 Types of Breathing


There are two main elements to breathing control: one is using consciousness, and the other is adjusting breathing.


The general principles and methods of using consciousness have already been described in Chapter 3. Here we will talk about breathing.


According to the Taoist Canon, there are nine breathing methods in Qigong: exhaling through the mouth and inhaling through the mouth, exhaling through the mouth and inhaling through the nose, inhaling through the mouth and exhaling through the nose, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the nose, inhaling without exhaling, exhaling without inhaling, neither exhaling nor inhaling, breathing with a broad mind, and unobstructed breathing. The last three types of breathing can only be practiced when one reaches an advanced stage of Qigong.


As for inhaling without exhaling and exhaling without inhaling, some schools of Qigong practice this from the beginning. But in general, most people start with the first four types of Qigong, among which inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the nose is the most common.

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In addition, there are many other classification methods.


For example: According to the breathing movements, there are natural breathing – the lower abdomen expands when inhaling, and shrinks when exhaling, also known as normal breathing, and reverse breathing (abdominal breathing) – the lower abdomen shrinks when inhaling, and expands when exhaling.


In terms of breathing intensity, it can be divided into: wind breathing – short and powerful breathing with sound; air breathing – that is general breathing, which is better to be deep, long, fine and even.


According to the internal scene of breathing, there are innate breathing and acquired breathing.


Xian Yao breathing relies on moving Qi between the kidneys, causing Dantian to open and close, thereby transporting true Qi to all parts of the body.

xiān yāo


The Dantian mentioned here is below the navel, which is the source of vitality in the human body.


The Difficult Classic calls this “the root of the five internal organs, the root of the twelve meridians, and the gate of breathing.”

“Nán jīng”


Acquired breathing is lung breathing, which relies on the movement of the chest wall and diaphragm to promote the rise and fall, entry and exit of vital energy, to get rid of the old and take in the new, and to connect with the energy of the sky.


According to the key points of breathing, there are mouth and nose breathing – that is, general breathing; throat breathing – it seems that breathing is done directly through the throat, which is the key to the “breathing method”; Dantian breathing – the same as the innate breathing; nose tip breathing – it seems that breathing is done through the tip of the nose, and the inhaled air seems to go directly into the body through the top of the head, and so on.


Different breathing methods combined with corresponding mental activities constitute different methods of breathing regulation.

第三节 几种调息的方法
Section 3  Several methods of regulating breathing


There are many specific methods of regulating breathing, which vary from school to school, but what they have in common is that they combine mental activities and breathing movements according to a certain procedure to promote the harmony of “spirit”, intention and true qi.

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As examples, here are a few brief introductions to breathing techniques.

1. Breathing and mindfulness breathing method


Use your mind to connect your breathing with your lower abdomen (Dantian). As the saying goes, “Connect the abandoned child with the Dantian.”


In the initial stage of practice, the lower abdomen expands when you inhale through the nose, and contracts when you exhale. In other words, you should focus your attention on the breathing movement of the nose and the rise and fall of the lower abdomen.


Let the movements be natural, don’t force them.


When it reaches a certain level, you can change to reverse breathing.


This method can directly stimulate the opening and closing of Dantian.


At the beginning, use nasal breathing to induce the opening and closing of Dantian, and then use throat breathing to induce the opening and closing of Dantian, and finally achieve the opening and closing of Dantian itself, changing from back-closing breathing to front-ending breathing.


This method is easy to master and has no side effects.

side effect, secondary action


Moreover, the phenomenon of “resting” may occur, leading directly to a higher state.

2. Breathing Exercises and Pranayama


Also known as the method of following the breath, it is the second step of the Buddhist “Six Miraculous Dharmas”.

Liù miào fǎmén
My Note: Six Miraculous Dharma Gates


The key is that consciousness rises and falls with the breath.


In this way, you can both induce tranquility and stimulate the opening and closing of Dantian.


If you use smooth breathing, your mind will descend as you inhale, and your lower abdomen will swell. When you exhale, your mind will return and rise along with your lower abdomen.


The reverse breathing method is the opposite of this. I advocate the use of reverse breathing, and only focus on exhaling and following the descent, and let the inhalation be natural and don’t pay any attention to it.


Because when you exhale, the Qi descends and the Ren Meridian also descends. If the consciousness also descends with the exhalation, the three will become one, and the true Qi will easily accumulate and produce a feeling of heat.


In addition, when using reverse breathing, pay attention to exhaling first. This will make it easier to relax and less likely for beginners to suffer from the side effect of breath suffocation (those who practice Zhou Yao Gong should follow what their teacher taught and cannot change it on their own).

3. Breathing Rhythm Regulation Method


This is a method of regulating breathing by using the pauses between breaths.

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According to the rhythm of the pauses, it can be divided into two types: exhale-stop-inhale and inhale-stop-exhale. The pause time can be gradually extended.


This method is more effective in helping people calm down and can also help them practice holding their breath.


However, this method is difficult to operate and should be personally guided by a qigong master. In addition, one must strictly follow the principle of gradual progress. Otherwise, qi suffocation may easily occur. Therefore, I will not introduce it in detail to avoid blindly practicing it after reading the book.

Qì biē

四, 呼气意守调息法
4. Breathing and Concentration


Breathe naturally, paying no attention to the breathing itself or the rise and fall of your abdomen.


Just when you exhale, focus your mind on the place you want to be – the navel or dantian, but don’t focus your mind when you inhale.


Although this method does not emphasize the even, deep and long breathing, because the mind is focused on the Dantian when exhaling, the air will naturally be drawn downward, making the breathing deep, even and long.


On the other hand, since the emphasis is placed on concentration of mind only when exhaling, this conforms to the concentration principle of the “gathering and dispersing” sword, which allows Yi Zi to enter a state of tranquility.


This method is easy to grasp, has good effects, is not prone to disadvantages, and is worth promoting.

五, 数字呼吸调息法
5. Digital Breathing and Pranayama


This method is different from the method of counting breaths.


The method is to pause for a moment when exhaling and inhaling, so that the exhalation and inhalation are intermittent or in a wave-like manner.


When you pause, count with your mind.


Generally, you exhale more and inhale less. You can exhale four and inhale three, or exhale five and inhale four, exhale first and then inhale, as shown in Figure 2.


This method is especially effective when combined with walking. You can take two steps in one breath, or four steps in one breath. With repeated practice, you can forget about breathing and enter a high level of walking. It can also help open up the meridians.

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图 2

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不同于丹道之“呜攘” 。

Different from the “Woorang” in Taoist alchemy.


6. Listening to the Breath


Listen quietly to the sound of your breathing. Start by listening with your ears. As your breathing becomes deeper and finer, the sound of your breathing will gradually become weaker. Gradually, you will switch from listening with your ears to listening with your consciousness. In this process, you may hear the sound of your own heartbeat. It will be rough at first and will gradually become soft. In this way, you can slowly enter a state of high tranquility.

以上所述均为初学者而设。至若练周夭功则又有繁杂练法,如配合呼吸之“搭桥”、 “拆桥,、“采药”过程之“龚风逆吹”等等,这些内容都属于周夭功的范畴,若不结合周天练法是谈不清楚的,故在这里就略而不讲了.

The above are all for beginners. As for Zhou Yao Gong, there are complicated training methods, such as “bridge building” and “bridge dismantling” in coordination with breathing, “reverse blowing of Gong Feng” in the process of “collecting medicine”, etc. These contents all belong to the scope of Zhou Yao Gong. If they are not combined with Zhou Tian training methods, they cannot be discussed clearly, so they will not be discussed here.

第四节 调息注意事项
Section 4 Notes on Breathing


Breathing regulation is not as difficult to master as concentration, but many practitioners have gone astray from it, causing adverse symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, stomach fullness, and flank pain. How can we avoid deviations in breathing regulation? I think we should pay attention to the following points:


1. Don’t force your breathing to be deep, long and even


Practicing Qigong requires deep, long and even breathing.


Even means that the breath goes in and out evenly (at a constant speed), without being fast or slow; fine means that the breath goes in and out finely. When the skill reaches a certain depth, if you put a goose feather in front of the nostrils, it will not move when you breathe; deep means that the breath reaches deep into the lower part of the body and is not limited to the lungs.


Traditional Chinese medicine says: “Inhale into the heart and lungs, exhale into the liver and kidneys.”


That is to say, the Qi should be taken into the kidney. Long refers to the breathing time.


Even, fine, deep and long are the states achieved after practicing qigong and regulating breathing, and are not requirements for beginners.

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Therefore, when you first practice breathing control, do not strive to have even, fine, deep, and long breathing, but let it happen naturally.


Because when the body has not yet relaxed, it is difficult for Qi to reach the lower part of the body.


Blindly pursuing uniformity, fineness, depth and length will inevitably lead to forcefully pushing the Qi downward.


Instead of being able to relax, the posterior and abdominal muscles will become tense, which will block the descent of Qi and cause adverse reactions such as suffocation, stuffy feet, and abdominal distension.

Jiǎo mèn
stuffy feet   ???


2. When regulating your breathing, you should focus your mind on the outflow of breath, and not pay attention to the breathing movement.


Because focusing the mind on the breath is the combination of mind and qi (here it refers to the breath), the respiratory organs move naturally with the qi, which conforms to the regular pattern of using the mind to guide the movement and qi to move the form, and there will be no problems.


If one focuses on the breathing movement, the mind and the body are combined, and the breath can be easily forced by the body, causing the imbalance of the rise and fall of the breath and giving rise to abdominal distension, fever and other problems.


3. Different breathing methods should be chosen for different stages of practice or different exercises.


For example: when practicing meditation, it is advisable to choose breathing through the mouth and nose; when practicing martial arts in the clearance stage, it is advisable to choose breathing through the throat, and so on.


For beginners, if there is no good teacher to guide you, it is better to use natural breathing.


The so-called natural breathing means not paying attention to your breathing, just like not paying attention to your breathing in your daily life. This is the real natural breathing.


However, people who have just started to practice qigong are always thinking about breathing and cannot forget it. This is especially true for those who have deviated from the rules of breathing.


At this time, it is best to practice some dynamic exercises first, and then practice static exercises after you have a solid foundation, and it will come naturally.

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End of Chapter

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