Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 6

Qìgōng Tàn Suì
Exploring the Profundities of Qigong,
a book by Pang Ming (庞明).

English translation follows Chinese text.

第六章 引动形体——气功要旨(四)
Chapter 6: Mobilizing the Body——The Essentials of Qigong (IV)


As mentioned before, human life is the unity of spirit, Qi and body.


In the movement of life: the mind guides the intention, the intention leads the spirit, and the qi guides the body.


For the physical body, the invisible spirit, intention and qi dominate.


But on the other hand, the body is the basis of life activities. Without the human body, the spirit, intention and energy have nothing to rely on, and human life loses its meaning.


Therefore, although Qigong focuses on cultivating the invisible spirit, intention and energy, it also attaches great importance to physical training.


Moreover, it is required that the two be organically combined, mutually complementary, mutually penetrating, mutually promoting, and mutually beneficial.


The Yi Jin Jing explains this very clearly: “If you only cultivate the invisible and abandon the visible, it will not work; if you only cultivate the visible and abandon the invisible, it will be even worse.”


It is necessary to “train the visible to assist the invisible, and cultivate the invisible to assist the visible.


It is one and two, and two and one.”

又说: “有形之身必得无形之气、相偷而不相违、乃成不坏之体。”

He also said: “The tangible body must obtain the intangible energy, and if they complement each other without contradicting each other, they will form an indestructible body.”


It can be seen that moving the body is also a major content of Qigong exercise.


It should be pointed out that the so-called “form” is not limited to the human body and four parts.


From the internal organs to the limbs, tendons, membranes, bones, blood, flesh, and even essence, one of the three treasures of life, all belong to the category of form.


The so-called movement of the body in Qigong theory mainly refers to the movement of tendons, membranes, bones and flesh, which includes both the movement of the trunk and limbs and the relative movement between the tendons, membranes, bones and flesh of each part.


Therefore, no matter whether it is dynamic exercise, standing exercise, sitting exercise or lying exercise, there is a process of moving the body.

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For example, when doing meditation, standing meditation or lying down exercises, you need to relax your body. During the relaxation process, the joints, muscles, tendons, membranes and tendons will have relative movements.


This shows that the problem of moving the body is not unique to dynamic exercises.

第一节 引动形休的作用
Section 1: The role of activating the shape

Section 1: The role of inducing rest (B)

Section 1: The Role of the Introductory Shape Break (D)


In Qigong, compared with the physical movement, the movement of the invisible spirit, intention and Qi plays a leading role.


But like everything else, the movement of the body also has a reverse effect on the activities of the spirit, intention and qi.

气功里“引动形体,”的要求,就是通过神、意、气活动与形休运动适当配合,使这一对作用与反作用,能彼此促进,而不是相碍。 [?]

The requirement of “moving the body” in Qigong is to coordinate the activities of spirit, intention, and Qi with the movement of the body so that this pair of action and reaction can promote each other instead of hindering each other. [?]


For tools, correctly inducing the shape can play the following four roles:


(1) Proper movement of the body is conducive to a state of tranquility.


For example, lying exercises, sitting exercises and standing exercises all require the body to be relaxed, the body to be at ease and the mind to be calm, which helps to use consciousness to seek the true meaning (this will be explained in detail in the next section).


For example, when practicing dynamic exercises, the mind is focused on the moving body, which helps to collect the mind.

人们悼瞬: “动中求静,外动内静”。

People mourn: “Seek tranquility in movement, be active without and tranquil within.”


That’s what I mean.


It is not easy for beginners to enter a state of tranquility.


If you practice dynamic exercises first, and then practice static exercises after you have a certain foundation in dynamic exercises, you will often get twice the result with half the effort. This is the reason.

(二)(把形体的运动和呼吸、意识活动适当地结合起来,能促进真气的运行,能加强调息的妙In 贡令毕烤4&纤字调息法配合步行,就是一个例子。

(2) Properly combining physical movement with breathing and conscious activities can promote the circulation of true qi and strengthen the wonderful effect of breathing. The combination of Gongling Bigao 4 and Xianzi breathing method with walking is an example.

(3)(引动形体能使关窍及全身各部分变得寸・分灵活,而且能疏通经络,和畅气血 使神、意对形体的控制、调节变为灵敏有效。

(III) Mobilizing the body can make the joints and all parts of the body more flexible, and can dredge the meridians, harmonize the flow of qi and blood, and make the control and regulation of the body by the mind and intention become sensitive and effective.

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If there is a slight invasion of external evil, it can be sensed and the mind can be immediately directed through the meridians to eliminate the external evil. On the contrary, if one practices qi without practicing fascia, qi will become phlegm and cannot flow through the meridians. If qi cannot flow through the meridians, the tendons cannot be strong.


(4) Moving the body is a means of directing and activating one’s own Qi.


Generally speaking, those who focus on mobilizing Qi with spirit and intention, the Qi they guide mostly belongs to the stick Qi, while those who focus on mobilizing Qi with posture and breathing, the Qi they guide mostly belongs to the meridian Qi (see Chapter 11 for details on Hunyuan Qi and meridian Qi).


What is described here is only in terms of keeping fit and maintaining health. As for the application of Qigong, it has more effects in moving the body, such as practicing martial arts, practicing the release of internal Qi, etc.


I won’t go into details here.

第二节 松与静
Section 2: Relaxation and Tranquility

静[靜/竫] jìng  s.v. still; quiet; calm


Relaxation and stillness are the basic principles of Qigong practice.


Xuē, chén yàoshi yùnyòng yìshí de wèn yān, yǐ zài dì sān zhāng lǐ zuòle lùnshù.

The question of how Xue and Chen should use their consciousness has been discussed in Chapter 3.


Here we mainly talk about relaxation and the relationship between relaxation and tranquility.

1. Relaxation: refers to the relaxation of the body.


It requires muscles, myofascia, joints and even internal organs to relax naturally, so that the leading muscles and muscle cavities are in a relatively stable and relaxed state.


Relaxation should be relaxed but not slack, not loose and slack. You should not be like a child sleeping with your limbs stretched but not closed. Instead, you should maintain tight but not stiff muscle tension.


The innocent state of a child when awake, with weak bones and soft muscles, is a mode of physical relaxation.


It should be pointed out that physical relaxation requires mental tranquility as a prerequisite. It is impossible to force relaxation in the face of mental tension.


The principle of “spirit is king and flesh is servant” also applies to relaxation. On the other hand, physical relaxation is also conducive to tranquility and the manifestation of true intention.

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Therefore, relaxation and tranquility are interconnected, shape each other, and enhance each other in a wonderful way.

Therefore, relaxation and stillness are interconnected and shape each other, and they bring out the best in each other.

2. How to use consciousness to relax the body?


It is generally divided into six parts: relaxation of head and neck, relaxation of chest and back, relaxation of hips, relaxation of shoulders and elbows, relaxation of fingers and palms, and relaxation of knees and feet.


Each part has certain exercises, among which, relaxing the lips and hips is the basis for relaxing the whole body (in terms of body shape).


Here we only introduce a few simple and easy relaxation methods.


(1) Qi circulation and relaxation method: Adjust your posture according to your own practice method. After getting ready, place your hands in front of your lower abdomen with your palms facing each other, as if holding a ball.


Then slowly rise up, with the palms gradually facing the body. When the hands are raised above the head, the two palms seem to be back on the top of the head, about 20:40 cm away from the top. In your mind, think of the air coming out of the two palms and entering the top of the head (inner gate). Do three breaths. Then the two hands pass in front of the body and slowly “drop to the front of the lower abdomen. The mind should follow it from the front body to the lower abdomen.


Repeat this three times.


Only when you descend for the second time, you descend sideways (posture, mind). When you descend for the third time, your posture is sideways and your mind is descending from behind (note: the mind is descending from inside the body, never from the surface of the body).


This method can be used as a preparatory exercise before practicing, or as a closing exercise after practicing, and can be practiced repeatedly. It not only relaxes the body, but also can generate a sense of Qi (this exercise is very effective in lowering blood pressure).


(2) Vocal relaxation method: After you are ready to practice, open your mouth and exhale, pronounce the “song” sound (松), and then change it to the “song” sound. That is, the sound of the word “song” changes from the yinping tone (first tone) to the qusheng tone (fourth tone). With the exhalation, your mind descends, as if you want to send out all the filth in your body, in the order of head — chest — upper abdomen — lower abdomen, until it reaches the feet.


As the Qi descends, the body relaxes accordingly.


Then inhale naturally and repeat several times.


(3) Relaxation by imagination: After you are ready to practice, focus your eyes and give the command to relax in your mind. Then, follow the six steps mentioned above in sequence, and give the command to relax at each step.

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For example, first focus your mind on the head and order it to relax, then think about hooking your back and order it to relax, then think about your hips and order them to relax… and you can do each of these in order.


It should be pointed out that this exercise is not just a relaxation method, but actually uses the idea of ​​”relaxation” as a stake to tether the mind and thoughts. While relaxing the body, it concentrates and unifies the mental activities, seeks the true meaning from them, and then uses the true meaning to command the body to relax, achieve both relaxation and tranquility, and directly and consciously combine spirit and form.


If you practice this method for a long time, it can not only relax your body, but sometimes you can also get unexpected good results. (This method is especially effective when combined with the “Qi Guan Relaxation Method”).

第三节 引动形体的基本要求
Section 3 Basic Requirements for Moving the Body


There are many ways to move the body in Qigong, in various forms and variations depending on the school and the teacher, so it is difficult to describe them all. Here we will only discuss some basic requirements for moving the body.


(1) To induce the body to rest, one must use consciousness, and be guided by spirit and intention.


Use consciousness to activate the body. The specific methods can be divided into two categories:

1. Use the mind to guide the mind, use the mind to guide the qi, and use the qi to guide the form.


When practicing this kind of technique, you must avoid being too obsessed and just let nature take its course.


Don’t force yourself to do any movements. Don’t worry about whether the postures are good or bad, correct or not. Don’t think about the various requirements of the exercises. Just let them develop spontaneously.


But we must keep our mind inward, keep our spirit clear and not lose control.


The body relaxation method mentioned in the previous section, as well as spontaneous boxing, spontaneous Five Animal Exercises, etc. belong to this category.


2. First, let the mind and the form meet, and the posture must be correct. Under the guidance of the correct posture, the Qi will flow along the meridians, thus opening up the Qi channels throughout the body.


This is what is meant by “the qi follows the movement of Zhuang”. (G)

This is what is meant by the so-called “qi follows the Zhuang”. (D)

The so-called “Qi moves with Zhuang” means that. (B)


Most of the standing exercises and internal martial arts belong to this category. (G)

Standing Zhuang Gong and Neijia Quan mostly fall into this category. (D)

Zhanzhuang Gong and Neijia Quan mostly belong to this category. (B)

(2) The body is relaxed and the movements are soft.


But when it is loose, it should be loose but not slack; when it is soft, it should be as gentle as a baby, meaning gentle but not soft.

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The movements should be made with intention but not with force —— no brute force should be used, so that the whole body can be flexible.


Only when the body is soft and the qi and meridians are flexible can the objects be reached.

Only with a soft and gentle shape can one achieve physical goals. (B)

(3) The power is smooth and flexible.


In every posture, the whole body should avoid rigid use. In this way, there is a sense of roundness and support everywhere, and the movements are round and flexible.


The inner movement is not used to be rigid and straight, and the surface has the meaning of spiral or thread drawing (also known as thread winding).

(4) The action is continuous.


This requires moderate speed, fast but not stopping, slow but unceasing.


The mother publication must not only maintain its form but also its breath, and its intentions.   ???? ]

5) The joints move like pupa.


The large joints move like snakes, and the small joints move like pupae.


That is, the two adjacent joints need to flex in opposite directions.

(6) The waist is the dominant part, which has two meanings.


First, relaxing the waist is the key to relaxing the whole body; second, when exercising, the waist should be the leading factor. “The waist is the governor and the hands are the flags.” This is what it means.

(7) Distinguishing between emptiness and fullness is the key to keeping the body centered when practicing dynamic exercises.


The center of gravity of the human body changes with the change of posture, so in order to maintain the balance of the body, you must seek it from the virtual and the real.


Includes the transfer of the center of gravity of the two feet; the transfer of the center of gravity of one foot forward and backward.


This is a crude statement.


To put it in detail, it also includes the changes in the fullness and emptiness of Qi and Mind in the meridians.


Each of these changes and moves follows certain rules. Those who wish to delve into the mysteries of Qigong should experience them carefully.

(8) Follow up and down.


When practicing dynamic exercises, one must pay attention to the whole body; although practicing internal exercises does not require as strict requirements as martial arts on hands, eyes, body, techniques and steps, the integrity of the movements must still be maintained.


To do this, we must pay attention to the upper and lower parts following each other, the ping-pong movements being consistent, taking care of each other, and not being inconsistent with each other. The hand and foot, the knee and the shoulder and the hip in “Xingyiquan” are combined, which is a simple statement.


(9) Coordinate with breathing. Most dynamic exercises focus on coordination with breathing. Different exercises have different breathing requirements.


Here I would like to mention only one principle: the movement of rushing out and descending is exhalation, while the movement of retracting and ascending is inhalation. The coordination should be natural.

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End of Chapter

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