Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 7

Qìgōng Tàn Suì
Exploring the Profundities of Qigong,
a book by Pang Ming (庞明).

English translation follows Chinese text.

第七章 练功各部身形要求
Chapter 7 Requirements for each part of the body when practicing Qigong


Qigong exercises focus on regulating the mind, breathing, and body.


Using consciousness and cultivating morality belong to regulating the mind (i.e. regulating the heart), adjusting breathing belongs to regulating the breath, and inducing the shape and posture of each part of the body belongs to regulating the body.


The movement of various parts of the body during exercise is the basic content of body adjustment. All Qigong schools (except spontaneous qigong) have strict and detailed requirements for this.


Because correct posture can promote the circulation of Qi and blood, incorrect posture (including movements) will block the smooth flow of Qi and blood.


Taking standing posture as an example, the requirements for each part of the body are described as follows.

第一节 对头的要求
Section 1 Requirements for the Head


1. Requirements


The head is suspended, also known as “the head is like a hanging chime”.


It means that the head is upright and pointed upwards: as if there is a rope connected to the Baihui point (one centimeter behind the midpoint of the line connecting the two ear tips, equivalent to the hair whorl of the average person – different from ordinary acupuncture points), like a person hanging in the air.


2. Specific Procedures


The general practice is to push the head upward and straighten the neck, but this can easily make the neck stiff.


Our method is: put the head straight, retract the larynx (called “locking the magpie’s gate”), contain the lower part, and concentrate the mind from the larynx to the Baihui point, and then the neck will naturally bulge backwards, and the monument will be in the shape of a tower.

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3. Function


The head is the highest and clearest place, with the lungs in it. Chinese medicine believes that “the head is the sea of ​​the limbs. If the sea of ​​​​marrow is excessive, the person will be light and strong, and will exceed the limit; if the sea of ​​​​marrow is insufficient, the face will turn red, the ears will tinnitus, the legs will be sore, and the eyes will be blind. Rest and lie down.” (Lingshu·Hailun Pian)


Moreover, “the brain is the home of the spirit”, so keeping the head upright and the top of the head suspended is not only the key to keeping the whole body upright, but also can induce the qi to rise to nourish the brain and the spirit, thereby enhancing the function of the spirit to dominate the activities of the whole body and making the person appear energetic. If the head is tilted and unsuspended, the spirit will easily become exhausted and the body will find it difficult to achieve balance.


When you are leaning forward, backward, or tilting left or right, you should look for the solution on the top of your head.

第二节 对目的要术
Section 2: Key points for the purpose


1. Requirements


Eyes are like curtains, containing light silently.


In fact, the eyelids droop, leaving only a ray of light. The eyeballs look inwards, with the gaze drawn inwards.

2. Specific Procedures


Look straight ahead with both eyes, and close the eyelids slowly, gently and evenly. The movement starts from the outside, and the gaze moves inward as the eyelids close and becomes one with the mind. This is called “divine light.” Those who guard the upper dantian send the divine light upwards, and those who guard the lower dantian send the divine light downwards. The one who sends the divine light upwards was known in ancient times as “facing south and observing the Big Dipper,” it is a good way to improve viewing and listening; the one who sends the divine light downwards was known in ancient times as “the divine light shining down on the Yuanhai,” which is a wonderful technique to replenish Qi and increase inspiration.


This is what Zhuangzi said, “Meet with the spirit, not with the eyes.”


My Note:

元海 yuanhai  ?????


As I discussed in my book, Vital Breath of the DaoChinese Shamanic Tiger Qigong (Laohu Gong), the name of a Qigong form contains the essence and spirit of the form. Gaining an appreciation of the name of a form or movement will help us master our Qigong practice. At the beginning of each chapter of this section of the book, I will first interpret the name of the movement in order to facilitate bringing you into a deep understanding and experience of the practice.

In this movement, Yang 陽 means high brightness, which refers to the sun. The sun symbolizes the wisdom and spirit of the body in Chinese spiritual cultivation practices. It is a symbol for vital energy, brightness, activity, openness, vigor, and power. Sheng 生 means vitality, new life, life force, creation, generation, create, and make. Yuan 元 means origin, source, and spring. Hai 海 means great lake, sea, and ocean. In Chinese Wu 巫 (shamanic) traditions, we believe that all life originates from water. We understand that everyone’s life source comes from the “great water” of the body, which is located in the lower abdomen in an area we call Yuanhai 元海—the original ocean of your life source.

Yang Sheng Yuan Hai is the foundation of your Qigong practice. It is a way to generate your new life energy, which is known as the Yang 陽 or Yangqi 陽炁 in traditional internal alchemy practices and other methods of Chinese inner cultivation techniques.


Source: Chinese Shamanic Cosmic Orbit Qigong by Master Zhongxian Wu, p. 23.


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Look with the eyes (including watching with eyes closed), keep the upper part and turn the eyeballs upward to look at Qi Men, and keep the lower part and turn the eyeballs downward to twist Yuan Hai. Because they use the movement of the body, the mind and the body are combined, and the more the body moves, the more likely it is that you will deviate from the right or wrong way. Therefore, whether to keep the upper part or the lower part should be different according to the person and the disease. Otherwise, there will be some deviation.


The guarding of divine light means that the light moves with the spirit, and the spirit and energy follow each other. The energy moved by it connects to the preceding life (actually it is the mixed primordial energy), so guarding the upper part or the lower part will not cause any harm.

3. Function


Qigong practitioners believe that “the eyes are the vanguard of the heart”, “the key lies in the eyes”, and “the essence of the five internal organs and six bowels are all injected into the eyes”.


Therefore, closing eyes and drawing curtains is an important way to calm the mind and keep it within.


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that “eyes are the orifices of the liver” and that the soul enters and exits through them, so closing the eyes is an important way to calm the soul (the key is to close the eyelids slowly and evenly).


In addition, the eyes are the intersection of the Yin pulse and the Yang pulse, and are the only way for the Wei Qi to enter and exit.


Therefore, practitioners of qigong all attach importance to the regulation of eyes. Martial artists require angry eyes and raised eyebrows, in order to make the defensive qi outward and strengthen the muscles and bones to meet the enemy. Health practitioners require to contain the light and suppress desire, so that the defensive qi can be harmonious and effective inside, nourishing the five internal organs for longevity. Even in different schools of health practitioners, the requirements for eyes are different.


People who have just started practicing qigong should not insist on being one or the other, because they all have a master.

第三节 对舌的妥求
Section 3: Correct Requirements for the Tongue

1. Common Request

舌抵上聘,亦称拄舌,旧称“搭桥”(将舌放下旧称 “拆桥”)。

Putting the tongue up is also called “propping up the tongue”, and was formerly known as “building a bridge” (putting the tongue down was formerly known as “removing a bridge”).

2. Specific Procedures


Beginners should gently close their lips and teeth, with the teeth half closed and half closed, and the tongue on both sides as if biting something. The tip of the tongue naturally touches the intersection of the upper front teeth and the tooth group (called the inner eye socket: the [?] hole of the brain). Just use your mind, don’t use force, and the sausage tongue will produce a mouth effect.

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After a little comfort, you can put your tongue on the junction of soft and hard points.

3. Function


The Ren meridian starts from the perineum, goes up along the midline of the lip, and ends at Chengjiang under the lip. The Pu meridian starts from the perineum, goes along the spine to the top of the head, passes through the middle of the eyebrow and the end of the lip, and ends at Huijiao inside the upper lip.


Pressing the tongue against the upper part of the body can open up the Ren and Du meridians.


Then the Qi that rises along the Du channel is transformed into body fluid and descends to the joints and mouth. At this time, do not open your mouth, but calm down and wait for it to flow down smoothly.

第四节 对颈项的要求
Section 4. Requirements for the Neck


In general exercise books, it is called “vertical neck”. This has been mentioned in the first section, so there is no need to repeat it here.

第五节 对胸背的要求
Section 5 Requirements for chest and back

一, 要求
1. Requirements

含胸拔背,含胸不是扣肩,是胸前部稍事内含。,拔背是 t哪脊骨自然竖直。

Holding the chest in and pulling the back, holding the chest in does not mean holding the shoulders in, but slightly pulling the chest in. Pulling the back means that the spine is naturally vertical.

二, 具体作法
Section 4. Requirements for the Neck


Hold the chest in, exhale first, and make the triangular area between the front of the chest – the manubrium of the sternum (the bone in the middle of the chin and the four depressions in front of the chin) and the two nipples, slightly inward.


The key point is not to bend your shoulders forward and inward, nor to bring your feet together, but to relax your chest.

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Therefore, foot holding must be combined with chest opening.


When you open your legs, your chest will open out to the sides.


The method is to open the shoulders (acromio-clavicular joint) outwards, which complements the chest-holding method. The chest is relaxed. The method of back-stretching is to push the Dazhui point (the seventh point of the high bone at the back of the Zhen), lead it upwards, and directly reach the Baihui point to straighten the spine.


In order to avoid the disadvantages of protruding back and protruding shoulders, the shoulders and feet should be relaxed, that is, the bones of the shoulders and feet should be naturally relaxed and sunk, combining back pulling and shoulder dropping, so that the back and shoulders can fall smoothly.


The ancients said that “the two arms are interwoven like two fans”, which refers to the requirement of V-arms when the upper limbs move. The key to this movement is to drop the arms.

Sān, zuòyòng
3. Function


The heart and lungs are located in the chest. The heart governs the mind and the blood circulation of the whole body, while the lungs govern the qi of the whole body and have the function of “serving all the meridians”.


The combination of holding the chest in and opening the chest can expand the chest cavity, and the heart and lungs can be placed in the chest, which will facilitate the circulation of qi and blood.


Moreover, relaxing the chest and back is beneficial to the unobstructed flow of the Ren and Ti meridians. The Dazhui point was formerly known as the “Ladder to Heaven”, as it is said that the Qi has difficulty moving upward, and pulling the back can help it move upward.


Moreover, the chest is where the six Yin meridians meet. Relaxing the chest and back can keep the six Yin meridians connected to the five internal organs (actually there is also the pericardium – which should be called the six internal organs) connected and unobstructed, thus ensuring the normal functioning of the five internal organs.

第六节 对肩的要求
Section 6. Requirements for Shoulders

1.  Requirements

Relax shoulders and empty armpits.

2. Method


Relax the shoulder joint and acromioclavicular joint (the connection between the outer end of the clavicle and the marginal process of the scapula – the connection between the front and back bones of the shoulder) and let them hang naturally.


At the same time, prop up the armpits to make them empty, as if holding an “air pancake” – the distance between the mouth and the armpit is 2 to 3 centimeters.

釐米[厘-] límǐ* {B} m. centimeter

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The key to Aohaokonglv is Jianjie point (the depression at the top of the shoulder) and Jianqiong point (the depression outside Jianyan point). Relax and gently lift upward and outward, so that loose shoulders and emptiness form a natural unity.

Aohaokonglv ?????


Otherwise, we only talk about loosening the shoulders, blindly relaxing and drooping, until “folded shoulders” appear, which not only improves the appearance of the body shape, but also has a certain impact on the circulation of Qi and the agility of the upper limbs.

3. Function


Talk about shoulders, elbows and graves together.

第七节 对时的要求
Section 7. Time Requirements

1. Requirements


Hang your elbows.

2. Method

My Note: Elbow fall (vertical) hanging


Relax your elbows, with the tips of your elbows drooping. The key points are Tianbing point (in the middle of the big bone behind the elbow) and Xiaohai point (at the tendon behind the elbow).


But the elbows should not be forced to drop, otherwise the shoulders and elbows will become heavy and sluggish. When dropping the elbows, the elbows should be suspended, that is, the elbows are suspended in the air, and the key points are Quchi point (the head of the elbow transverse line) and Zhouban point.


The ancients said “the orifice in the elbow,” which means that these joints must be opened. To this end, the upper limbs must maintain a certain degree of bending and not be stretched too straight.

第八节 对腕掌指的要求
Section 8 Requirements for wrist, palm, and fingers

1. Requirements

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The deer must sit, the climb must be contained, and the fingers must be relaxed.

鹿 . . . 攀


2. Method


The key to sitting flow is Shenmen acupoint (the tip of the little finger at the horizontal line of the bowl) with the intention of facing F, and the travel will naturally be in a downward sitting position.


Holding the palm inward means holding the palm inward, as if holding a balloon. If you open your hand, the balloon will fall.


With this intention, the blade and palm will naturally be appropriate.


Relaxing the fingers means stretching out the five fingers naturally, leaving a certain amount of space between the four fingers.


Use your mind to bring your thumb and little finger together.

3. Function


There are six meridians in the upper limbs: the three yin meridians of the hand, the three yang meridians of the hand (the lung meridian of the hand, the pericardium meridian of the hand, the heart meridian of the hand, the large intestine meridian of the hand, the triple burner meridian of the hand, and the small intestine meridian of the hand.


Do a good job of loosening the shoulders, emptying the glue, hanging the elbows, hanging the elbows, and sitting down, J11, Six Meridians and Yang, so that the Qi flow will flow, and the glueing action will have the potential of light killing, and the Qi can be felt directly to the fingers.

又手在人生中(包括练功)的地位是十分重要的,《阴符经》中说, a宇宙存乎手”。

The position of hands in life (including practicing qigong) is very important. The Yin Fu Jing says, “The universe exists in the hands.”


It means that people who practice qigong can grasp the changes of everything in the universe through their hands.


This is because in the history of human development, the development of hands and brain has promoted each other and formed an important connection.


Modern science has also proven that conscious activities have the most significant impact on the bioelectricity of the hands.


Therefore, in the practice, it is very important to exercise the functions of the hands, and to make good postures of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists, in order to achieve the wonderful use of the hands.

My note: “grasp” . . . intellectually and grasp an object with the hands

第九节 对腰的要求
Section 9 Requirements for the waist

1. Requirements


Loosen the waist, lumbar spine and their ligaments.

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Relax the muscles on both sides of the waist, and gradually change the natural curvature of the waist so that the waist is straightened or even protruded backward when standing, and straightened or even collapsed forward when sitting.


When straightening, do not be stiff, but pull up and down, as if the vertebrae are lightly weighed together. The ancients said that “it is shaped like a nine-bend bead”, which refers to the relaxed spine.

2. Method


The waist is the most difficult part to relax, and you need to practice special methods to relax the waist (see Chapter 15).


Those who have not practiced this exercise specially can first straighten their waist naturally, then slightly shrug their shoulders and gently lower them (at the same time, they should be aware of relaxing their waist).

3. Function


The waist is the external palace of the kidneys. The kidneys store primordial yin and primordial yang, which transform into primordial qi and are injected into the sea of ​​​​qi to nourish the whole body.


The waist is an important pillar supporting the human body.


Therefore, practitioners of martial arts pay special attention to it.


Loosening the waist can make the waist flexible, not only should it be able to turn in a flat circle, but also in a “vertical circle” and “mixed circle”.


This can enhance the function of the kidneys and make people full of vitality. This is what the ancients meant by “the source of life and will is in the waist gap.”

My Note: this can enhance the function of the kidneys . . .


On the other hand, relaxing the waist can allow qi and blood to circulate, thus ensuring its function of dominating the activities of the whole body. The ancients said, “Strength originates from the feet, is controlled by the waist, and is manifested in the limbs.” They also said, “Strength originates from the spine.” If the waist cannot be relaxed, this state cannot be achieved.

第十节 对胯的要求
Section 10 Requirements for the Hips

1. Posture


Loosening the hips has two meanings. One is to relax the broken joints, and the other is to relax the solitary iliac joints (formerly known as pan-hip).

2. Method

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There are other special training methods for loosening the hips (see Chapter 15 for details), but here I will only briefly introduce them: Slightly squat down with your hips, as if you are sitting but not sitting, keep your hips and thighs at a certain angle, and keep the base of your thighs in an empty triangle. The hips should be stretched outward and backward, but not upward and backward.

三、 作用
3. Function


[?] When the joints are relaxed, the lower limbs can be used freely. In addition, the Shanlin joint is a false joint that cannot be moved in ordinary people. It is difficult for women in the late pregnancy to relax this joint. The freshman can open this joint through pan-hip exercises and when the Dantian Qi is sufficient. After this joint is opened, the Dantian domain can also be expanded, and the storage of Yuanqi can also be increased, which is a solid foundation for the clearance of joints throughout the body.

第十一节 对腹的关求
Section 11: Requirements for the Abdomen

1. Requirements


The lower abdomen is retracted and the chest and abdomen are in one plane.

2. Method


Contracting the abdomen does not mean tensing the abdominal muscles. Instead, you should retract from the anterior superior iliac spine (the small protrusion in front of the hip bone) to the Yangguan point on the back (on the hip bone), with your waist straight and naked. When you first practice, you will feel soreness in the pelvis, which can achieve the effect of contracting the abdomen and stretching the abdominal cup. Otherwise, it is difficult for Qi to sink and it will appear to be floating.

3. Function


Contracting the abdomen can help to internalize the vital energy in the Dantian, increase internal pressure, and promote its circulation throughout the body.


The emphasis of practicing Qigong is on “filling the body”. To “fill the belly”, one must exercise the whole body to fill the belly with essence and energy, but tightening the abdomen is also an important part of it.

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革十二节 对尾闾的要求
Section 12: Requirements for the Sacrum (Tail Bone)

1. Posture


The first step: drooping, the second step: buckling forward, the third step: coccyx alternation, here only the first step is introduced (see Chapter 14 for details).

2. Method


After loosening his face and fighting with his subordinates, the tail of the tribe seemed to be connected to a stick in his mind.


Go to the ground. Do this for a long time, and the tail will droop when it hears something (there are also special training methods).

3. Function


The coccyx is the starting point of the Du channel. Hanging the tailbone down can exercise the Du channel and promote the rising of its qi; loosening the coccyx can loosen the place where the umbilicus and coccyx are connected, which is the key to loosening the layer.

第十三节 对裆的要求
Section 13 Requirements for crotch

1. Requirements


The crotch, gear adjustment, crotch circle and pubic region should not come into contact with the leather glue on the inside of the large spot.

2. Method


In ancient times, it was called “belting the waist and lowering the qi to support the crotch”, which means to support the crotch in a round shape. It includes three movements:


1. Lifting the perineum: This action has three parts: ① The anus (also called the posterior vagina or the anal canal). The external anal sphincter contracts slightly to lift the anus slightly, as if holding back a bowel movement; ② The anterior vagina (urethra): The anterior vagina muscles contract slightly, as if holding back urine, and the urine is not urine; ③ The perineum (also called the seabed): The perineum muscles contract slightly, and even the inner sides of the two thigh roots.

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2. Adjust the crotch: Adjust the crotch to be round. This action is combined with loosening the hips, spreading the buttocks, and hanging the tailbone. With the contraction of the perineum as the center, a round and open crotch is formed.


3. Knee buckling: Knee buckling is another condition for a rounded crotch. See the knee section for the method).

3. Function


The perineum is the starting point of the Ren, Du and Chong meridians. If the position is adjusted properly, the perineum will not be compressed (note: only when other parts are relaxed can the Qi flow smoothly, and only when the perineum maintains a certain degree of tension can it be ensured that it is not compressed), thereby maintaining the circulation of the Ren and Du Qi. The perineum acupoint was formerly known as Yinqiaoku, Dihu acupoint, Xuwei acupoint, etc.

吊档不仅防止前后二阴漏气,积蓄阴精,若能结合呼吸锻炼,又是练精化气的关键,能否打通周天,冲开阴跷库是决定因素,因此古人耍求:“夭门常开,地户常闭”, 即指此而言。

The hanging gear not only prevents air leakage from the front and back yin and accumulates yin essence, but if it can be combined with breathing exercises, it is the key to practicing essence into qi. It is the decisive factor whether the circulation of qi can be opened and the yin qiao store can be opened. Therefore, the ancients said: “The door of heaven is always open, and the door of earth is always closed”, which refers to this.

第十四节 对膝的要未
Section 14: The importance of the Knees



Relax your knees and bend them inward.



The knees should be bent inwards slightly, and slightly forward (the knees should not go beyond the toes). Relax and sink, but have the intention of slightly lifting the sacrum.


Otherwise, it will just sink and become heavy and sluggish.

3. Function

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By buckling the knees, turning the femoral head outward and even combining it with hip expansion, the internal strength of the lower limbs will spiral down from the outside to the inside to the feet.


In addition, knee buckling is an auxiliary action of the round crotch, which provides a factor in keeping the lower rubber light and agile.

第十五节 对足的要求
Section 15 Requirements for the Feet

1. Requirements


Place your feet flat on the ground and distribute your body weight evenly between your feet without leaning too much on one spot.

2. Method


First adjust your whole body to be centered, and then gently focus your mind on the larger part to gather the Qi, guide it downward, and let the weight of your whole body drop along the shoulders, sides of the body, and outwards to the soles of the feet.


With the knees lifted, gravity is transferred from the heels to the feet and even to the five toes. This cannot be achieved in one day. The box is coordinated with the relaxation of the waist, hips and knees, and the two feet can gradually become flat. This is different from the “five toes gripping the ground” in martial arts.


For those who practice martial arts, the emphasis is on developing a murderous aura and they must practice the “four tips” (claws are the tips of tendons, tongue is the tip of flesh, teeth are the tips of bones, and hair is the tip of blood). There is no need to work hard on this to maintain health.

3. Function


Laying your feet flat and reaching the point of “combining the five toes and Yongquan” (not physically gripping the ground with the five toes) is one of the important signs of relaxation of the whole body. Only then can the Qi truly flow down to the screen and connect with the ground, and the Qi in the screen and body can flow through.


The ancient saying “strength lies in the feet, and the woman’s breathing lies in her knees” refers exactly to this.


The fifteen body posture requirements introduced above simply describe the key points of the movements of each posture, and also give a brief introduction to its function.

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As for the subtle changes inside, such as changes in the internal landscape of the meridians (acupoints, joints, etc.), you can only experience it yourself during exercise. Besides, everyone’s own feelings are different, so I will not go into details.


Don’t say that it has no inner scene.


These body shape requirements cannot be achieved in one go; they require repeated practice. Moreover, the exercises to correct postures cannot be experienced during formal practice; each posture should be carefully examined during informal practice.


Otherwise, it would violate the requirement of being focused (quiet) when practicing, thus affecting the effect of practicing.

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End of Chapter

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