Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 1

Qìgōng Tàn Suì
Exploring the Profundities of Qigong,
a book by Pang Ming (庞明).

English translation follows Chinese text.

第一章  气功概要
Chapter 1 Overview of Qigong  


The Qigong industry is developing vigorously, and the general public is joining the ranks of Qigong practitioners.


Many scientific and technological workers have joined the research team of Qigong science.


Nowadays, the erroneous view that qigong is superstition or witchcraft has been eliminated, but how should we understand qigong?


There are various opinions: some people think it is a part of Chinese medicine, some people think it is a kind of physical therapy, and some people think it is the scope of martial arts. These views all have some truth, but they are all biased.


Today, when the Qigong industry is about to flourish throughout the world, the one-sided understanding of Qigong will certainly hinder the scientific research of Qigong and will also bring disadvantages to those who study and practice Qigong.


Therefore, it is very necessary to explore and establish the comprehensive and correct meaning of Qigong.


Qigong is a treasure of my country’s cultural heritage, with a long history and rich content. Therefore, if you want to explore Qigong, you need to start from both the depth and breadth.



The so-called breadth means that Qigong covers many aspects.


Indeed, people of all walks of life throughout history have attached great importance to Qigong. Confucianists regard it as the key to self-cultivation and academic study; Taoists regard it as the secret to achieving “longevity”; Buddhists regard it as the common descendant of “becoming a Buddha and an ancestor”; doctors regard it as a magical method of “eliminating diseases and prolonging life” and diagnosing and treating diseases… The purpose, method, effect and application of Qigong practiced by different schools are different, so the names of Qigong are also different.

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For example, doctors call it “health-preserving knife”, “health-preserving”, “daoyin” and “qi-moving”, while Taoists call it “tuna”, “alchemy”, “nine-turn return pill”, “Xuan Gong”, ” “Carrying the heavens around”, “maintaining the integrity of nature”, “quiet work” – Confucianism calls it “cultivation”, “righteousness”, “sincerity”, “persistence”, “cultivating one’s nature with intention” and “preserving night energy”. In Buddhism, it is called “Zhang-Guan”, “Zen”, “Dhyana”, “Yoga”… there are many names to mention. In order to give readers a more comprehensive understanding of Qigong, this chapter will discuss the meaning of Qigong, the categories of Qigong, Qigong Benefits and other issues – overview.

第一节 气功的含义
Section 1 The Meaning of Qigong


The word “Qigong” has been around since ancient times. The word Qigong was found in the “Religion Jingming Lu” and “Lingjianzi” written by Xu Xun of the Jin Dynasty, but the name Qigong was not widely used in ancient times.


Although the name Qigong has been used in the martial arts community for nearly a century or two, it has not been understood by the general public.


Qigong, as a synonym for health preservation, disease treatment and fitness, became popular in the 1950s. After the publication of Mr. Liu Guizhen’s book “Qigong Therapy Practice”, the word Qigong has gradually become known to people.


At that time, many people interpreted the word “qi” as breath, and qigong as the exercise of breathing movements.


Although this view has some truth to it, it seems too one-sided to define qigong in this way.


For example, the “preserving Yi” and “nurturing nature” in “Mencius” focus on “nurturing the great and righteous spirit” and “preserving the night spirit”.


The “art of regulating qi and maintaining health” in “Xunzi” is related to spiritual cultivation.

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The “mind technique” of “Guan Yu” focuses on “calmness”: this is obviously the qigong of today’s Guan.


What they are talking about is not just about breathing and breathing exercises, but has a much broader meaning.


In ancient times, Qi was a philosophical concept.


The ancients believed that Qi is the root of all things in the universe.


The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine states that ‘the transformation, growth, reproduction and death of living things are all the effects of Qi (“Qi begins with transformation, Qi disperses and takes shape, Qi spreads and multiplies, Qi ends and changes in appearance. “Zhuangzi


It says: “Human life is the gathering of qi. When it gathers, it is life; when it disperses, it is death.”


Zhang Jingyue of the Ming Dynasty further pointed out: The way of life and evolution is based on Qi. All things in the heaven and earth are based on Qi. Human life depends entirely on this Qi.


This philosophy entered Chinese medicine and formed the foundation and core of Chinese medicine theory – the theory of qi transformation. It discusses the general laws of the two basic processes of human life movement – qi transformation and qi transformation.


In traditional Chinese medicine, there are many names for Qi, including Ying Qi, Wei Qi, Zong Qi, Yuan Qi, Congenital Qi, Acquired Qi, Meridian Qi, Zangfu Qi, Zhen Qi and so on.


The word “qi” in the term qigong mainly refers to the true qi and its effects.


True Qi is the product of the combination of primordial Qi, the acquired essence of water and grain, and the Qi from the sky (it is said in “Lingshu” that true Qi is what is received from the sky and the Qi from grains and fills the body).


In addition, there is also the practice of holding the vital energy in Qigong.


The true Qi of the human body is interconnected with the “Qi” of all living things.


The word “Gong” refers to function and also to kung fu.


Kung Fu is a combination of foundation (various qualities of the practitioner), time (the length of time spent practicing and the continuity of practice) and strength (various abilities acquired through practice).


Among the three, time is the key.

My Note: note especially the immediately above . . .


Clarifying the meanings of the words “qi” and “gong” is certainly helpful for a correct understanding of qigong, but the meaning of the word qigong is not a simple superposition of the meanings of the two words “qi” and “gong”, but has its specific connotation.


“Dharma came from the West without a single word, and relied entirely on the mind to practice”, this couplet is highly respected by qigong practitioners, and serves as a guide for the practice of various schools, including Buddhism, Taoism, medicine, and martial arts.

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It reveals that the key point of Qigong is to rely entirely on the “mind” to guide the practice.

It reveals that the key point of Qigong is to rely entirely on “intention” to guide the practice.


Qigong was formed against the backdrop of Chinese classical culture, so the author defines the connotation of Qigong as follows: Qigong is based on the classical holistic view of life, is a skill for cultivating and enhancing the true Qi function of the human body, is a science for achieving a high level of balance between body and mind, and is a science for exploring the mysteries of life.


It is not a single method or technique, but a complete and systematic theory, a rigorous and scientific training method.


To put it in more detail in modern language, it means that through certain inward-looking consciousness training, people’s ability to control their bodies with their own spirits is enhanced, their inherent functions are improved, and their potential functions are stimulated and strengthened, so as to achieve a high degree of unity between spirit and body.


For example, people who are well trained in Qigong can control not only their voluntary movements, but also the movements of their internal organs.


Some qigong masters, under strict laboratory conditions, use their consciousness to rapidly increase their heart rate from 70 beats per minute to 300 beats per minute, causing atrial fibrillation, and they remain calm.


One can use consciousness to make the skin temperature of both hands differ by 5:10 degrees Celsius, or make the skin temperature of the thumb and little finger sides of one hand differ by 3-5 degrees Celsius.


It should be pointed out that methods to enhance the ability of the mind to control the body are not limited to qigong.


For example, a pianist’s hands, due to long-term training, even in cold weather, as long as he leaves his hands still for a few minutes before a performance, his fingers will be warmed up, thus ensuring that he can play the music freely.


This is essentially no different from the effects obtained from practicing qigong.


It’s just that the effects of Qigong exercises are better, more direct and faster.


Some people may ask, sports are also completed by the mind controlling the body. How is this different from Qigong exercise?


(1) In terms of training content: Qigong includes cultivating morality, using consciousness, adjusting breathing, and exercising the body.


Sports are mainly about moving the body.

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(2) In terms of physical movement: Qigong focuses on the spirit, intention, and the training of Qi. It emphasizes using intention to guide Qi and using Qi to guide form. The movement of the body “serves” the spirit, intention, and Qi. One must experience the mystery in “relaxation and tranquility.”


Sports focus on the training of various skills. The mind is not concentrated in the body, but on the movement of the body or the equipment. The role of “spirit” is to concentrate energy and coordinate the whole body to complete a series of movements. The mind is the “limbs” of physical movement. Each movement requires the tension (contraction) of muscles, muscles, etc. to reflect the skills.


(3) In terms of the metabolic changes in the human body: physical exercise is mainly muscle movement, which converts the chemical energy in the body into mechanical energy (and part of it is converted into heat energy and dissipated). The consumed orderly energy is replenished by eating orderly high-energy food, which increases the energy flow in and out of the human body to enhance the vitality of the human body. Therefore, the oxygen consumption of physical exercise increases sharply.


Qigong exercise is mainly to enhance the orderliness of changes in substances related to life movement in the body, that is, to improve efficiency to enhance human vitality. Therefore, the oxygen consumption of Qigong practice drops dramatically and is even lower than during sleep.


(4) As for the process of the mind controlling the body: Qigong is the direct command of the body through the inward use of consciousness, while sports are the reflexive control of the body by the mind through body movement.


It is precisely because of these differences that many professional athletes suffer from poor health after middle age.


Those who practice Qigong remain strong and healthy as they age.


As we all know, all the work we do is completed by the spirit controlling the body.


Therefore, the ancients regarded practicing Qigong not only as an important means of keeping fit, but also as an important method of studying and cultivating oneself.


Just as it is emphasized in The Great Learning: “From the Son of Heaven down to the common people, all must consider the cultivation of the person the root of everything”, most of the people who have made great achievements in Chinese history have a deep understanding of the art of Qigong.


In other words, practicing qigong well can help you achieve success in your career.

《淮南子》对此做过详细阐述:“冯夷得道以潜大川,钳且得道以处昆仑,扁鹊以之医,造父以御马,界以之射,锤以之断.所为各异,if所道者一也” 。

The Huainanzi has elaborated on this in detail: “Feng Yi obtained the Tao to dive into the great rivers, Qian Qie obtained the Tao to live in Kunlun, Bian Que used it as medicine, Zaofu used it to drive horses, Jie used it to shoot, and Chui used it to cut. What they did were different, but what they taught was the same.”

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Why practicing Qigong can help achieve career success will be described in the third section of this chapter.

第二节 气功的类别
Section 2 Categories of Qigong


There are many ways to classify Qigong, mainly based on the method, form, content, purpose of practicing Qigong, and the source of Qigong.


1. Classification based on the content of Qigong practice (Qigong belongs to Qianxingxingzhenxingzhenxing)


1. Xinggong: Xing refers to the mind and the activities of the spirit. In ancient times, it was said that “the mind is the earth, the nature is the king, and the king resides on the mind” (Tanjing).


Sexual exercises mainly start with training the mind and focus entirely on the training of conscious activities.


At the beginning, most people start practicing from the upper Dantian (but not all those who practice the upper Dantian belong to the category of sexual practice), or do not practice mind concentration, but let it go naturally. The Buddhist meditation method of “replacing all thoughts with one thought” and other methods belong to this category. Cultivating morality and cultivating temperament also belong to the category of sexual practice.


This exercise is suitable for those who do mental work.


(2) Life Merit: Life refers to kidney essence and tangible things in the body.


The life skills start with training the essence, and have stages like gathering fluid to produce essence, training essence to transform into qi, training qi to transform into spirit. In the beginning, focus more on guarding the lower dantian, and most of the Zhouyao skills and strong body building skills belong to this category.


Those who want to have a strong physique should practice this exercise.


(3) Cultivation of both nature and life (the advanced stages of any practice involve dual cultivation): Some people cultivate nature first and then cultivate life to complete the dual cultivation of nature and life; some people cultivate life first and then cultivate nature to complete the dual cultivation; some people start by cultivating spiritual wisdom to cultivate nature and cultivating primordial essence to cultivate life (the method of dual cultivation of nature and life varies from school to school).

现在很少真双修者(性与命是人体生命的两个互相联系、相互依存的侧面,两者不可能截然分开,只是每一练功法的侧重点有所不同罢[[?]] 。

Nowadays, there are very few people who truly practice dual cultivation (sex and life are two interrelated and interdependent aspects of human life. The two cannot be completely separated. It’s just that the emphasis of each practice method is different[[?]].

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2. Divide it from the perspective of the power of practicing Kung Fu, that is, body posture.


1. Standing Exercise: Practicing in a standing position, also known as standing posture.


Standing exercises are effective in increasing body size, activating vital energy, and improving physical health.


This is the one passed down by modern people Wang Xiangpian and Qin Chongsan.


Zhan Zhuang is not only a method of Qigong training, but also the basic skill of martial arts and an important way to achieve high-level martial arts skills.


As the old saying goes, “If you want to cleanse your bone marrow, you must start with standing still.” Martial arts practitioners, especially those who practice internal martial arts, all focus on standing still, such as the horse stance and river stance of Tai Chi, the Luohan stance of Lancai style Ge Tongbi boxing of Xingyi boxing, and the boy worshipping Buddha stance of Changquan.


Therefore, Zhanzhuang is not only suitable for patients who are not very weak, but also for healthy people and sports enthusiasts.


(2) Sitting exercise: Sitting exercise is an important method of practicing the Qigong method of tranquility and the method of moving the Qi through the body. This method can easily activate the true Qi without dispersing it, and can open up the meridians and observe the internal scene (the qi transformation phenomenon of the meridians and internal organs in the human body).


It is not only an important means to cure diseases and prolong life, but also an important practical content to explore the mysteries of Qigong.

近人蒋维介著的《因是子静坐实验谈》、周潜川著的《食[?]疗法及救治气功偏差手术》、李少波著的《真气运行法》均推重坐功,其因盖此。坐功的姿势也有多种,一般分为垂腿坐(坐在椅、凳上)、盘膝坐〔盘膝坐又分自然盘膝―散盘,单盘―一足抵上会阴部,一足置于另一大腿根部;双盘――两足分别压于两腿上,俗称“五心朝夭坐”) 和跪坐(两腿跪下,臀部坐在小腿与足上)三种。

The “Yinshizi Meditation Experimental Talk” written by the contemporary Jiang Weijie, “Food [?] Therapy and Surgery for the Treatment of Qigong Deviations” written by Zhou Qianchuan, and “Zhen Qi Movement Method” written by Li Shaobo all recommend sitting exercises for this reason. There are also many postures for sitting, generally divided into sitting with legs crossed (sitting on a chair or stool), sitting cross-legged (sitting cross-legged is also divided into natural cross-legged sitting – loose lotus, single lotus – one foot is touching the perineum, and one foot is placed on the other side. The root of the thigh; double lotus – with both feet pressed on the legs respectively, commonly known as “Five Heart Chao Yao Sitting”) and kneeling sitting (kneeling with both legs, buttocks sitting on the calves and feet).


(3) Lying Exercise: It is practiced in a lying position, which can be either lying on your back or lying on your side.


The effect is similar to sitting meditation, except that it takes a little longer to activate the true qi.


However, when the body is extremely weak or tired, practicing in a lying position will make the Qi flow more obvious than other methods.


For patients with limited mobility, lying exercises are the only good method.


For most practitioners, lying exercises are only used as a supplementary exercise method before going to bed or after waking up.

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(4) Walking exercises: The ancients did not set up walking exercises. After practicing to a certain level, they required people to maintain the state of practicing exercises while walking. The so-called “walking, standing, sitting, lying down, do not leave this state”, “this” refers to the inner state of practicing exercises.


Martial arts place great emphasis on the training of footwork. The exercises that are being taught now are derived from some basic footwork in martial arts. They are very similar to the Lion Rolling Ball Method in Tai Chi, the Xiaoyao Step in Shaolin Kung Fu, the Bear Step in Five Animal Exercises…


This method is easy to learn and practice. It has the effect of harmonizing Qi and blood and unblocking meridians. It is suitable for exercise for chronic patients.


3. Divide the body from movement and stillness


(1) Static Exercise: The body remains still during the exercise.


The above-mentioned sitting, standing and lying exercises are the same.


(II) Dynamic exercises. Through various movements, you can train your Qi internally and your muscles externally, so as to achieve the goal of strengthening bones and tendons and achieving unity of spirit and Qi.


It can be used to weaken the body, it can be used to defeat the enemy…Internal martial arts all belong to the category of dynamic exercises, such as Tai Chi, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang…


(III) Combining movement and stillness: One refers to practicing both dynamic and stillness exercises. Another refers to certain exercises that have the characteristics of both movement and stillness, requiring external movement and internal stillness, and from movement to stillness.

如达摩易筋经、峨媚十二庄、蛤蟆气,以及拙授之“形神庄” 。

Such as Bodhidharma’s Yi Jin Jing, Emei’s Twelve Moves, Toad Qi, and my “Xing Shen Zhuang”.


4. From the functions of Qi training

(一)硬气功,此功多系武术、杂技中的功夫,如“裂金碎石”、“刀枪不入”、“寒暑不侵、 “力托千斤”各种特殊功能。

(1) Hard qigong, which is mostly based on martial arts and acrobatic skills, such as “breaking gold and breaking stones”, “invulnerability”, “invulnerability to cold and heat”, “power to lift a thousand pounds” and various special functions.


(2) Soft Qigong (also known as Shunqi): Various Qigong used to maintain health and prevent and treat diseases.


Note: Hard Qigong and soft Qigong are names people are used to but are unscientific.


The so-called hard qigong is that the qigong master transfers the true qi to a certain part of the body, causing temporary changes in the local tissue, thereby exhibiting functional performance beyond that of ordinary people.

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In fact, it is also a manifestation of the infuriating function.


5. The fate of Qigong


(I) Medical skills: closely linked to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and more detailed observation of the qi transformation reactions of the meridians and organs in the human body.


Its purpose is to prolong life, eliminate diseases and explore the mysteries of human life. It is the foundation and essence of traditional Chinese medicine.


For example, the meridian Zhoutian in the Zhoutian Gong is one of them.


(2) Taoist exercises: They are also based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, focusing on “cultivating the mind and refining the nature”, with the purpose of “maintaining the true nature” and “prolonging life”.


Advocate “returning the elixir to the body and releasing it internally”.


It explores the mysteries of human life and its relationship with nature, such as the Dandao Zhoutian in Zhoutian Gong.


(3) Confucian Gong: Focusing on the cultivation and training of the mind, focusing on “nurturing the mind with intention”, advocating sharpening the will, being sincere, and cultivating the spirit of calmness in daily life, in order to achieve “sudden enlightenment.”


(4) Buddhist practice: the purpose is emptiness.


The main purpose is to “enlighten the mind and see the nature”. The purpose is to “eliminate doubts and prove the truth” and “understand the Buddha nature”. It is not as profound as medicine and Taoism in exploring the mysteries of life.

如“六妙明门,、 “止观”等均是。

Such as “Six Wonderful Gates” and “Samatha and Vipassana”.


Note: Although there are many schools of Qigong in my country, they have penetrated and influenced each other over the history of more than a thousand years.


Therefore, the qigong exercises that are popular nowadays often have the best of many others.


6. Classification based on the effect of practicing Qigong on the human body (this classification is the author’s humble opinion)


(1) Disease prevention and treatment (health care): Traditional Chinese medicine believes that human diseases are caused by disorder of Qi and blood, imbalance of Yin and Yang, and disorder of the five internal organs.


The treatment of the disease focuses on harmonizing Qi and blood, unblocking the meridians, and balancing Yin and Yang.


This is the most basic function of Qigong, that is, practicing any type of Qigong can prevent and cure diseases.


If a certain exercise method is obviously effective in preventing and curing diseases, but its other functions are less effective, it is called an exercise method for preventing and curing diseases.


Such as relaxation and meditation, and walking exercises.

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(2) Strengthening the body with strength: If curing diseases and maintaining health is the primary effect of Qigong, then the second stage of practicing Qigong is to strengthen the body with strength.


Through practicing qigong, the true Qi is cultivated, so that the internal organs, meridians, skin, flesh, tendons and bones are filled with true Qi, and flow smoothly, thereby strengthening the functions of various parts of the human body.


The exercises that mainly strengthen the body can be called the exercises for strengthening the body, such as Zhan Zhuang Gong, Toad Qi, Gong Gong, and Hard Qigong.


(III) Exploring Life Qigong: Qigong can not only prevent and treat diseases and strengthen the body, but also reveal the mysteries of life inside the human body through “inner vision” and help us understand the life activities of meridians, internal organs, qi transformation and other human life activities.


This is a life secret that is difficult for modern medicine to understand. The Qigong that has this function is called the Qigong of Exploring Life.


For example, various Zhoutian exercises belong to this category.


Although this method is not as obvious as the Zhan Zhuang method in strengthening the body, its content is higher than the other methods.


(4) Intelligent Qigong: In addition to the above functions, Qigong can also stimulate and strengthen extraordinary abilities.


When you practice Zhou Tian Gong to a certain stage, you will feel a beating sensation on the top of your head. Continuing to practice can lead to a qualitative leap in your intelligence.


Smart Qigong starts with the beating of the top of the head. Therefore, when practicing Smart Qigong, a Qigong master must “press through the Guanmen acupoint” (Tianmen: that is, Gangmen acupoint. The Qigong master sends Qi to the Tianmen acupoint to enhance its orderly transformation and sharpen its perception ability, so that it can feel the regular beating. This is called “pressing through the Yaomen acupoint” or “opening the top of the head.”


There are many ways to open the top of the head, this is one of them), or a qigong master can give you “guidance”, and persistent practice will produce various intelligences different from ordinary people.

第三节 练气功的益处
Section 3: Benefits of Practicing Qigong

1. Enhance physical fitness, cure diseases and prolong life

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As mentioned above, practicing Qigong can adjust yin and yang, harmonize Qi and blood, dredge the meridians, and cultivate true Qi, so that a person’s vitality can be vigorous. It can have the effect of strengthening the weak, healing the sick, and rejuvenating the old.


The Suwen says: “Those who know the truth follow the laws of yin and yang, are in harmony with the art of numbers, eat and drink in moderation, have regular daily routines, and do not overwork. Therefore, their bodies and spirits are in harmony, and they live out their natural lifespans, passing away at the age of a hundred.”


“The Guanzi” said: “People who can remain upright and calm have flexible tendons and strong bones.”


Baopuzi said: “Those who are good at exercising qi can nourish their bodies internally and cure diseases externally.


Hua Tuo further pointed out: “Shaking can help digest food gas, circulate blood, and prevent all diseases.”


These statements have not only been verified by many practitioners (including patients), but have also been confirmed by modern scientific research.


2. Developed intelligence


Practicing qigong can not only enhance people’s health, but also inspire people’s infinite wisdom.


Because practicing Qigong requires “entering tranquility”, “entering tranquility” is the third state that is different from the sleeping state and the waking state.


It is not only a form of rest that can eliminate brain fatigue, but more importantly, it enhances human life activities – especially enhances the orderliness of brain activities, thereby greatly improving the activity efficiency of brain cells.


In addition, research has shown that the human brain has approximately 14 billion brain cells, but the utilization rate of most people is often only a few percent. A large number of brain cells cannot be used because the “circuits” between them are not “connected.”


The orderly increase in brain activity can connect those circuits that were originally “blocked”, thereby enabling the brain’s potential to be developed.


In TCM theory, true Qi is the power that sustains human life activities – physical and mental activities (Su Wen said: “Yang Qi, when refined, nourishes the spirit, and when soft, nourishes the tendons”).


The state of tranquility in Qigong is the best condition to promote the growth and circulation of true Qi. As it is said in Suwen: “When one is calm and empty, true Qi follows. Practicing Qigong can strengthen one’s true Qi. Sufficient true Qi can provide a reliable “power” guarantee for thinking activities, thus sharpening its functions.

所以《管子》巾说: “定在心中,耳日聪明” 。

Therefore, it is said in “Guan Zi”: “When stability is in the heart, the ears will become more intelligent.”

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“Suwen” says:


“The sage transmits the spirit, obeys the weather and communicates with the gods.”


There are many examples today of people becoming smarter as a result of practicing Qigong.


Moreover, in the state of Qigong, one can sometimes get inspiration. The ancients’ so-called “sudden enlightenment” mostly refers to this.


The Guanzi describes this as follows: “Think about it with kindness, and think about it again. If you cannot understand it by thinking about it, then the ghosts and gods will understand it. It is not the power of ghosts and gods, but the extreme of essence and energy. When the four limbs are straight, the blood and qi are calm, the mind is focused, the ears and eyes are not lustful, and although things are far away, they are as close as near, and knowledge will arise from thinking” (Guanzi Neiya).


More than two thousand years ago, our ancestors were able to make such insightful materialistic comments on inspiration (inspiration is a qualitative leap in cognition caused by thinking based on numerous practices and rich knowledge).


How precious it is.

3. Cultivation of temperament and moral cultivation


The first purpose of practicing Qigong is to cultivate one’s temperament, because the most feared thing in practicing Qigong is the interference of the seven clear emotions (joy, anger, sincerity, thought, sadness, fear, and shock).


If every qigong practitioner wants to receive the benefits of qigong, he or she must actively, consciously and regularly eliminate the seven emotions that disturb him or her.


You should pay attention to this not only when you are practicing, but also at ordinary times. Always keep your emotions stable, your spirit secretly happy, and be harmonious inside and happy outside, and don’t let yourself have the energy of anger, sadness, and depression. In this way, the effect of practicing will be quick.


In addition, when the practice reaches a certain level and the true Qi is sufficient, the five internal organs will be adequately nourished by the true Qi, and their functions will be strengthened, and the clear and calm activities of the five internal organs will inevitably become peaceful.


The above is how practicing Qigong can cultivate one’s temperament.


At the same time, one must have a calm mind when practicing Qigong to ensure the smooth flow of Qi. Otherwise, if one has a narrow mind and feels depressed all day, Qi will easily stagnate and it will be difficult to see the effects of practicing Qigong.


Therefore, qigong practitioners must work hard on their outlook on life, overcome selfish desires, get rid of arrogance, always have a heart of benevolence and love for the people, restrain themselves and be impartial, always think of the people, be honest in their conduct, and make sure they are upright.

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In this way, the spirit of neutrality is in the body, not only the body and mind are in peace, but also becoming a moral person who is free from vulgar taste (see Chapter 4).


4. Stimulate and strengthen the inner potential of the human body and acquire all kinds of extraordinary intelligence


It is currently impossible to determine the full potential of the human body, and therefore it is impossible to arbitrarily draw a line in the sand regarding what special abilities can be acquired through qigong practice.


There was a couplet in Beijing’s Ziyun Temple: “Concentrate your mind, your qi, and your spirit within to refine the elixir of life; focus your thoughts, your breath, and your pulse within the cauldron to cultivate an indestructible body.”


Buddhism also has the saying that “the first level of meditation is mindfulness, the second level is breathing, and the third level is pulse stopping.” The “mindfulness” here means to stop wandering thoughts when entering a state of tranquility, the “breath stopping” means to stop breathing during practice, and the “pulse stopping” means to stop the heartbeat during practice. This is not nonsense, but objective reality.


“Breath cessation” is relatively easy to occur, and many people who practice qigong have experienced this phenomenon (fetal breathing occurs after breathing stops).


Although “pulse stopping” is rare, it does happen.


Both the New Sports in 1979 and the Workers’ Daily in 1980 reprinted the performance of an Indian yogi: the yogi was placed in a coffin and buried underground, and his heart changes were observed using a remote-controlled electrocardiogram. When the yogi practiced to a certain level, the electrocardiogram showed a rope-like graph, indicating that the heart had stopped beating. After he stopped practicing, the heart returned to normal beating.


In addition, many qigong masters have acquired the abilities of remote viewing, remote hearing, and even consciousness sensing through their practice.


These functions have also been confirmed in some children.


As for those special abilities such as “cracking gold and crushing stones” and “being immune to cold and heat”, they are already commonplace and I will not list them one by one here.


In summary, it can be seen that practicing Qigong is of great benefit to the all-round development of people’s morality, intelligence, body and beauty. This will definitely help one’s career success and thus accelerate the process of my country’s “four modernizations”.

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弟四节 练功人的范围与功法的选择
Section 4 The scope of practitioners and the choice of exercises

1. Dilemma of Practitioners


As mentioned in the previous section, practicing Qigong can enhance the healthy development of the body. In this sense, practicing Qigong is necessary for everyone, for example:


(1) Patients can practice qigong: Qigong can be used as an auxiliary therapy for modern medical methods, and can also be a unique treatment for certain diseases, especially chronic diseases.


Qigong practice is mainly used to treat diseases by changing the synergistic effects within the human body, so it often exhibits a dual therapeutic effect.


For example, practicing the same qigong method can lower the blood pressure of patients with hypertension, increase the blood pressure of patients with hypotension until it returns to normal, increase the frequency of bowel movements of patients with constipation, and reduce the frequency of bowel movements of patients with diarrhea until it returns to normal… Practice has proved that practicing qigong can cure many diseases. There have been many reports on this, so I will not go into details here.


(2) Healthy people can practice qigong: It seems unnecessary for healthy people to practice qigong, but it is not. Each of us should not be satisfied with the current health status, but should do everything possible to continuously improve our physical and health quality and work ability. Although practicing qigong takes up a certain amount of time, its special functions of strengthening physical fitness and developing wisdom will invisibly improve our work efficiency.


The saying “sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood” is the best analogy.


In addition, healthy people practicing qigong can not only enhance their ability to resist diseases, but also, even after getting sick, they can quickly recover their health by applying certain exercises.

《素问》中“清静则肉腆闭拒,虽有大风苛毒,弗之能容” , 说的就是这个意思。

This is what is meant by the statement in Su Wen that “When one is calm and quiet, the flesh and bones are closed and repellent. Even strong and poisonous winds cannot contain them.”

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(3) Elderly people should practice Qigong: When people reach old age, the functions of all parts of the human body gradually decline, which is an irresistible and inevitable law.


Some people, due to various reasons, show signs of premature aging. In traditional Chinese medicine, this is believed to be due to the loss of Yin and insufficient Zhen Yuan. How can we delay or postpone the aging process? Practice has proved that Qigong exercise is one of the effective methods. (Suwen)


There is an insightful discussion on this, “If one can understand the seven losses and eight gains, then the two can be adjusted. If one does not know how to use this, then it is the period of premature aging. At the age of sixty, the yin is diseased, the qi is greatly weakened, the nine orifices are not functioning properly, the lower part is empty and the upper part is full, and tears and tears all come out… The foolish are deficient, while the wise are in excess. With excess, the ears and eyes are sharp, the body is light and strong, the old are rejuvenated, and the strong are better governed. Therefore, the sage does nothing and enjoys the ability of being calm and full. (Su Wen, Yin Yang Ying Xiang Da Lun)


(IV) Young people should practice Qigong: Adolescence is an important stage in human development.


During this period, people have strong vitality and abundant energy. If they can practice qigong during this period, it can promote the overall development of their morality, intelligence, physique and beauty, thus laying a solid foundation for their achievements in the career they are engaged in.


On the other hand, practicing qigong when you are young and strong can reduce the consumption of the body’s true qi and delay the onset of aging.


In short, except for those who do not have the ability to control consciousness, everyone can and should practice Qigong.


2. How to choose a practice method


There are many Qigong schools in my country. A beginner of Qigong needs to choose a practice method that suits him/herself. First, he/she needs to establish his/her practice goal, and then choose a practice method that suits him/herself according to the effect of the practice method.


In the second section of this chapter, there is a brief description of the different exercises and their effects at different stages of practice, which can be used as a reference for choosing an exercise.

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弟五节 研充气功的意义
Section 5 The significance of studying Qigong


Qigong is not just an exercise method to improve human physical and mental health.


It has a complete theoretical system and is an ancient yet new science related to the mysteries of human life.


Its research has far-reaching significance in many aspects.


1. Qigong is closely related to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Once the mystery of qigong is revealed, the mysteries of the basic theories of the rise of traditional Chinese medicine – the theory of meridians and the theory of qi transformation – will also be solved. This is of great significance to the realization of the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine.


2. Qigong is an important part of ancient Chinese civilization. Many of my country’s ancient achievements are inextricably linked to Qigong. Through the study of Qigong, the heritage of ancient civilization will be further revealed, thereby better inheriting and carrying forward the ancient cultural heritage.


3. Qigong theory is the result of ancient Chinese people’s understanding of their own lives. It has many similarities with the newly emerging systems theory, cybernetics, information theory, etc. Therefore, the study of qigong is an important way to explore the mysteries of human life.


In recent years, ancient Chinese theories on human life have increasingly attracted the attention of contemporary scientific circles. British science and technology historian Joseph Needham once said: “Who knows the future progress of the concept of mind-body relationship and how it will be further developed in medicine?


The complex of traditional Chinese medical thought may play a role greater than people recognize in the final state of scientific development. Nobel Prize winner Prigogin even pointed out: “The good combination of Western science and Chinese culture’s understanding of holism and synergy will lead to a new view of nature and philosophy.”


It can be seen that the research on Qigong science is likely to lead to major breakthroughs in natural science in the future.

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4. Qigong scientific research is the time to systematically develop and sort out the ancient Qigong heritage. Only by strengthening Qigong scientific research can we create more effective and reasonable Qigong methods based on the predecessors to meet the requirements of the times.


5. Since “cultivating morality” occupies an important position in Qigong, carrying out extensive and in-depth mass Qigong activities will play a certain role in accelerating the construction of socialist spiritual civilization.

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End of Chapter

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