It’s About Time

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 It’s About Time

Time does not flow, but grows like grass,
One blade at a time.
Time is a like a bottomless hourglass,
That flows, yes, but quantumly,
One grain at a time.
Time gathers like a pointillist painting on an easel,
One drop and . . . Pop! goes the weasel.

Space, too, is bottomless, in all directions an abyss,
No matter how far you go, there’s much more you miss.
Go as far as forever is, things keep coming into view,
That’s why, when you look up, the sky is O! so blue.


As the name “quantum” implies, the movement of process is not a steady flow but, rather, in successive drops, or discrete units, of experience. Nature pulsates. This means that even the famous saying of Heraclitus, that all things flow, must be revised to read: all things flow, yes, but quantumly—i.e., in a series of vibratory reiterations. And since time is process, or a species of objective modality, time, too, flows quantumly. —Hyatt Carter, Process Philosophy in Five Easy Pieces.

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