Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 8

气功探邃Qìgōng Tàn SuìExploring the Profundities of Qigong,a book by Pang Ming (庞明). English translation follows Chinese text. 第八章 练功琐言Chapter 8 Miscellaneous Notes on Practicing Qigong 气功锻炼主要是运用内向性镶炼方法,它不苗借助繁杂的界桩与严格的外在条件。 Google: Qigong exercise mainly utilizes inward-looking training methods, and does not rely on complicated boundary posts and strict external conditions.DeepL: Qigong exercises mainly utilize inward-setting methods, and it does not make… Continue reading Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 8

Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 9

气功探邃Qìgōng Tàn SuìExploring the Profundities of Qigong,a book by Pang Ming (庞明). English translation follows Chinese text. Chapter 9 Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine气功和中医是中华民族文化宝库里的两烦明戮,它们交相终辉,在俊长的历史长河里,闪姐着夺目的光彩。 Qigong and traditional Chinese medicine are two shining stars in the cultural treasure house of the Chinese nation. They complement each other and shine with dazzling brilliance in the long river of… Continue reading Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 9

Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 10

气功探邃Qìgōng Tàn SuìExploring the Profundities of Qigong,a book by Pang Ming (庞明). English translation follows Chinese text. 第十章 气功与特异功能Chapter 10 Qigong and Special Abilities 近年来在儿童身上发现了一些常人所没有的功能,如非视觉识别图形、字迹等功能,为了区别于常人的功能,称之为人体特异功能。 In recent years, some abilities that ordinary people do not have, have been discovered in children, such as the ability to recognize non-visual graphics and handwriting. In order to distinguish them from… Continue reading Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 10

Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 11

Exploring Qigong Chapter11 气功探邃Qìgōng Tàn SuìExploring the Profundities of Qigong,a book by Pang Ming (庞明). English translation follows Chinese text. 第十一章 释疑 Chapter 11  Explanation of Doubts. 近几年来,气功著述日益增多。 In recent years, the number of writings on qigong has increased significantly. 各派专家均以己之长立说著书。 Experts from each school speak based on their own strengths. 这对于百花齐放,促进我国气功事业的复苏和发展是件好事。 This is a good… Continue reading Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 11

Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 12

气功探邃 Qìgōng Tàn SuìExploring The Profundities of QigongA Book by Pang Ming (庞明). 第十二章 廓清迷信 发展气功科学 Chapter 12: Dispelling Superstitions and Developing Qigong Science 练气功对人体呈现的效应、可摘妥分为防拾疾病、强健体魄(或称壮体强身)、徽发借能兰种、这是练功不同阶段上的效应(三者递进、但也可星现出大牙交错现象)。 The effects of practicing Qigong on the human body can be divided into preventing diseases, strengthening the physique (or strengthening the body), and promoting energy. These are the effects at different stages… Continue reading Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 12

Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 13

第十三章 捧气贯顶法Dì shísān zhāng Pěng Qì Guàn Dǐng FǎChapter 13 Lift Qi Up, Pour Qi Down 捧气贯顶法,属知能动功的外混元阶段,练膜络之气。 The method of holding the Qi and penetrating the top of the head belongs to the external Hunyuan stage of Zhineng Dynamic Qigong, and it practices the Qi of the membrane network. 芬气贯顶法买求意与气合,以意引气。通过姿势的开合和意念引导的配合,引动内气外放,外气内收,从而杨通人与大自然中混元气的联系。其功效如下: The Fenqi Guanding method seeks to combine… Continue reading Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 13

Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 14

第+四章 三心并站庄 Chapter 14 Three Centers Merge Standing Method 三心并站庄是智能动功外棍元阶段以意引气(意念外放、和大自然融为一休)到内混元阶段以形引气(神与自己的 “形”合、不外放)的过渡阶段。 The Three Hearts Standing Together is the transition stage from the external stick stage of intelligent dynamic exercise where the mind is used to guide the Qi (the mind is released outward and becomes one with nature) to the internal mixed stage where the form is… Continue reading Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 14

Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 15

第十五章 形 神 庄Dì Shíwǔ Zhāng  Xíng Shén ZhuāngChapter 15  Body and Mind Method 形神庄属智能动功的内混元阶段,练经脉之气。 Body and Mind Method  belongs to the inner Hun Yuan stage of intelligent dynamic exercises, which trains the Qi in the meridians. 这套动功,是将我演练多年的“鹤舞松形净意功”的简要式子酌加整理而成。 Zhè tào dòng gōng, shì jiāng wǒ yǎnliàn duōnián de “hè wǔ sōng xíng jìng yì gōng” de… Continue reading Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 15

Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 16

第十六章 简易功法Chapter 16 Simple Exercises 气功之属子“道”,还是流于“术”,关健在于能否理、法两攘,功、德并进。 Whether Qigong belongs to the category of “Tao” or “technique” depends on whether it can combine theory and method, and whether it can make progress in both merit and virtue. 若不达其理,不修其德,仅练其法,则流于术。 If one does not understand the principles, does not cultivate virtues, but only practices the methods, then it will become… Continue reading Exploring the Profundities of Qigong Chapter 16

Unscientific Concluding Methodology

Unscientific Concluding Methodology I had five “collaborators” in his project: Google Translator, DeepL Translator, Baidu Translator, Wenlin Software, and Pleco Software. My source copy for this text is a PDF document with pictures of the pages rather than editable text. For reference, I have placed page numbers as they are in my source PDF document:… Continue reading Unscientific Concluding Methodology

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