The Light Luciferous

Click on the Play Button below to hear a reading of my poem:   The Light Luciferous There is a light luciferous, we are told,Devoid of heat, and brutally cold.It warms not flesh, but chills the bone,Not gossamer soft, but hard as stone.It is far from bright, as black as coal,Its preferred abode the blackest hole.… Continue reading The Light Luciferous

The Planet Pascal

Click on the Play Button below to hear a reading of this poem.  The Planet Pascal Circumnavigating its sun in a galaxy far, far away,Is a planet named Pascal that decided to go astray. And so P slipped out of orbit to wander its wayAnd explore new vistas of space, come what may. This escape,… Continue reading The Planet Pascal

Stop and Wonder

 Click on the Play Button to hear a reading of this poem:   Stop and Wonder  To allow us to stop and wonder, Whitehead, in words concise, Says, “No thinker thinks twice,” And then asks us this to ponder.  It may put your mind in quandar And is neither here nor yonder, But frosty fire, incendiary ice, Quantumicity, a roll of the… Continue reading Stop and Wonder

Upside-Down Man

Click on the Play Button below to hear a reading of my poem.     Upside-Down Man There was an upside-down man, named Fred,Whose future was behind him, and past lay up ahead.He stood straight up, by standing on his head,And never began living, until he was—dead!He yearned for resurrection, but with feelings of dread,That he would… Continue reading Upside-Down Man

The Alphabit

Click on the Play Button below to hear my poem, “The Alphabit,” read aloud. “The Alphabit” is one of 81 poems included in my new book, The Logic of Rhyme, available on Amazon.  The Alphabit If you would know the genuine articleThen know that the primal, the pristine particle,May be named, on the wings of… Continue reading The Alphabit

Bull the Frog

Click on the Play Button to hear a reading of my poem “Bull the Frog,” one of 81 poems in my new book, The Logic of Rhyme, now Live on Amazon.     Bull the Frog At sunrise Bull the Frog always awokeTo bellow a booming and beautiful croak.The sound would such pleasure evokeThat he would croak… Continue reading Bull the Frog


Click on the Play Button to hear the poem real aloud. Note: this is a section from a longer poem of mine called A Process Theology in Rhyme, included in my book, The Logic of Rhyme, available on Amazon.    —Concrescence— It was Whitehead who was the first to show,How all actualities come and go,In bursts… Continue reading Concrescence

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