Adventures with Rev. Arthur at Founder’s

Hyatt Carter During our 21-year stay in Southern California, my wife Linda and I enjoyed many adventures. Two of those adventures were of special importance. First, our finding of Founder’s Center for Positive Spirituality and becoming part of that community under the inspiring leadership of Senior Minister Rev. Dr. Arthur Chang whom I sometimes refer… Continue reading Adventures with Rev. Arthur at Founder’s

Mozartian Moments

Speaking of accomplishments that transform the universe— The musical genius of Mozart is legendary . . . astonishing . . . breathtaking. When creating his music, Mozart never wrote rough drafts that he later polished to perfection. All who observed him at work agree that he could sit down and dash off a musical composition,… Continue reading Mozartian Moments

Hauntology or Ontology: That Is the Question

The French writer Jacques Derrida coined the word “hauntology” for his variation on the philosophical term “ontology.” Since the initial “h” is silent in French, the two words are the same in sound. For my purposes, the general sense of “hauntology” is about revealing the absences that haunt, or are present in, all presences.1 Whereas… Continue reading Hauntology or Ontology: That Is the Question

Awaken Your Inner Socrates

Socrates is deservedly famous for the art of questioning he discovered and put to good use. Many who came to Socrates with confident beliefs soon came to see, under the light of his incisive questioning, that these beliefs were built upon the sands of confusion, self-contradiction, and superficial misunderstandings. This way of questioning has become… Continue reading Awaken Your Inner Socrates

An Odyssey in Space and Time

In 1911, the French physicist Paul Langevin proposed the following thought experiment: Imagine two people: a chronologer, or timekeeper on earth, and a space traveler who departs from earth on a space craft that zips away at just under the speed of light. The space craft travels for one year and then reverses direction and… Continue reading An Odyssey in Space and Time

Goethe’s Way of Seeing: The Poetics of Perception

Norwood Russell Hanson, a philosopher of science, offers for our consideration this tantalizing thought: “There is more to seeing than meets the eye.” The truth of this was vividly brought home to me when I discovered that Goethe, the great German writer, developed a way of seeing that can be a powerful addition to everyone’s… Continue reading Goethe’s Way of Seeing: The Poetics of Perception

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