Sound Logic

Click on the Play Button below to hear my poem, “Sound Logic,” read aloud. “Sound Logic” is one of 81 poems in my new book, The Logic of Rhyme, available on Amazon. Sound Logic A poem may be likened to a syllogism in sound,Wherein homophonic premises are initially found,And so arranged, by the ear, and,… Continue reading Sound Logic

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A Process Theology in Rhyme

 A Process Theology in Rhyme  or, A Poetics of God   By Hyatt Carter One might find it oddThat God is not God.Even a word the most precise and pristine,Is, in this usage, malapropos and obscene.Must we, then, of the word completely beware?Rather, like radium, it may be handled with care.Let me offer, now, a word to the… Continue reading A Process Theology in Rhyme

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The Alphabit

  The Alphabit If you would know the genuine article,Then know that the primal, the pristine particle,May be named, on the wings of wit, An Alphabit,With letters that follow, and in their way,Form the array of all DNA. I surmise that a double helixIs a perfect place for creativity,A locus where A, C, G, and TCan arrange… Continue reading The Alphabit

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A Constellation of Process Philosophy in Verse, Humor, Riddle, and Song

Note: This is the first installment in a much longer piece that will, as the title states, present “A Constellation of Process Philosophy in Verse, Humor, Riddle, and Song.” And, yes, there will be entries in all of the categories I mention: Verse, Humor, Riddle, and Song.  In All Ways Wise If God, in essence,… Continue reading A Constellation of Process Philosophy in Verse, Humor, Riddle, and Song

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Effervescence,As if to tease,Is a wordBubble-ing over with e’s. It ends and begins with e,E’s at stem and stern,And three e’en between,E’s appearing in precise returns. E’s total numbers five, and, by fate,Doubly divided and spaced evenlyBy four sets of consonants eight,Aligned in perfect symmetry. It is singly, doubly, trippily,A quaddity and a quintidity,An epitome… Continue reading Effervescence

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Intimations of Sentience Overheard from Evergreens in a Forest Pristine

Two sounds we dread with a pain raw and max:The screams of a chain saw, chop of an ax. If you think that we are woodenly mute,Hist! we cry out, each, from leaf, limb, and fruit. In winter when wind in our branches moans,See! green in needles, kernels in our koans. Smell! ponder the roses,… Continue reading Intimations of Sentience Overheard from Evergreens in a Forest Pristine

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    —Rainbow— The Darkness and the Light A rainbow at its rootIs black as sootImpalpable and muteAs from a lofty butteDay from darkness softly breaksWith myriad colors iridescent as fruit. A rainbow’s two vectors end not at the groundBut curve darkly down and underground,Then up to form a dipolar halo—O! so round.  and know that O est toujours… Continue reading Rainbow

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The Giggles

A Fay-fay-fable-ing by Bā-Bē-bi-bo-bu The day The Giggles came abruptly into townThere was evermore little sadness, hardly a frown,Trailing seismic laughtershocks in their wake,Causing Earth herself to cachinnate and quake,Bringing wonder so awash with wassail and weal,Church bells in steeples would thunder and peal.They come trailing clouds of glorious intimationsMurmurations that wiggle ears and soft… Continue reading The Giggles

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O Oeaud’eau-delal’homme avec catarrhequi gratte la guitare sneezesand evens the score with stevensabiding in stone—a lassie—one of yourmona lisas, that old floozy who embracedbrancusi a chap with no salary now framed inthe gallery wheezes: gutturals basso profundo chezpicasso the blind mole featly quilled ere a playerfluffed that line of peri-cles’s undermines thefresco engineered by ionesco… Continue reading WHIRLIGIG

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