The Giggles

A Fay-fay-fable-ing by Bā-Bē-bi-bo-bu The day The Giggles came abruptly into townThere was evermore little sadness, hardly a frown,Trailing seismic laughtershocks in their wake,Causing Earth herself to cachinnate and quake,Bringing wonder so awash with wassail and weal,Church bells in steeples would thunder and peal.They come trailing clouds of glorious intimationsMurmurations that wiggle ears and soft… Continue reading The Giggles

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O Oeaud’eau-delal’homme avec catarrhequi gratte la guitare sneezesand evens the score with stevensabiding in stone—a lassie—one of yourmona lisas, that old floozy who embracedbrancusi a chap with no salary now framed inthe gallery wheezes: gutturals basso profundo chezpicasso the blind mole featly quilled ere a playerfluffed that line of peri-cles’s undermines thefresco engineered by ionesco… Continue reading WHIRLIGIG

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Meeting with Father Teilhard de Chardin

[Teilhard interviewed by Marcel Brion] Les Nouvelles Littéraires, Thursday, January 11, 1951, pages 1 and 4 What follows is a translation of Marcel Brion’s interview with Teilhard de Chardin preceded by some notes on the historical context of the interview. The Context of Teilhard’s Interview with Marcel Brion In a letter dated January 28, 1951,… Continue reading Meeting with Father Teilhard de Chardin

John’s Prologue in Quaternary Form

We have mentioned the chiastic form which has been discovered in John’s prologue.There has been increasing agreement that the center of this chiastic form is in v. 12 or 12+13. Gerhard and Ellis find in the prologue the same five-part chiastic structure which they have found throughout the gospel. We shall use their proposed structure… Continue reading John’s Prologue in Quaternary Form

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Judas Spree

 A No-No Nse-Nse by Bā-bē-bi-bo-bu There once was a lad named Judas SpreeWhose heart was overflowing with glee His spirits were so high He thought he could flyAnd he leaped off a cliff for all to see. He glided aloft, tumbled end over end,And so gyred and gamboled on the wind That birds were amazed Spectators were dazedAs they… Continue reading Judas Spree

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The Uncertainty Principle: Heisenberg or Dōgen?

Hyatt Carter Way back in the thirteenth century, over 700 years ago, Zen Master Dōgen expressed an insight that seems a foreshadowing of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle: When one side is illumined, the other is darkened.* 一方ヲ證スルトキハ。一方ハクラシ。(Ippo o shosuru toki wa, ippo wa kurashi.) This does not entail dualism, nor, in denying dualism, does it imply… Continue reading The Uncertainty Principle: Heisenberg or Dōgen?

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A Zany Bloke in a Harlequin Cloak

  A No-No Nse-Nse    by Bā-Bē There once was a zany bloke in a long harlequin cloakWhose only gist he daily spoke was a jesting gibberish joke One morn while rhapsodizing utterly In sounds so barmy sweet and butterly That cuckoos swarmed round him flutterly Leaving him thereafter quite stutterlyFrom this avian absurdity he never awoke And the next day… Continue reading A Zany Bloke in a Harlequin Cloak

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Whitehead’s Letter to Hartshorne

Here is a facsimile, in four parts, of a letter from Alfred North Whitehead to Charles Hartshorne written in 1936: The facsimiles appear as Front Matter in Charles Hartshorne’s book Whitehead’s Philosophy: Selected Essays, 1935-1970. Here is a transcription of the handwritten letter: 504 Radnor Hall784 Memorial DriveCambridge, Mass.Jan. 2nd, 1936 Dear Hartshorne First, I… Continue reading Whitehead’s Letter to Hartshorne

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